Heyy done with your review -- keep up, great story !!
Added your novel to library as well !!
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Alancaster done with the review !!!
Added to library as well
(do add my novel to library too and review soon)
Jo_J heyyy Jo_J done with the review
added your novel to library as well
(do mine soon) thanks
done the review
added your novel to library as well
(do mine too -- don't forget to add my novel to library)
Akira_Monadelle all done !!
don't forget to add my novel to library (it would be great help)
enividbeltran done the review !!!
Book_Pen -- HEYYYY---
added to library as well
(do mine as soon as possible-- don't forget to add my novel to library )
KayLillyt_1 HEYYYY
done with the review !!
added to library as well
(do mine ASAP-- don't forget to add my novel to library) thanks!!
@anushka_puri Heyyyy
done with the review
added to library as well
(pls do mine as soon as possible)
(don't forget to add my novel in library)
Devanshi_Rathod Already in my library..just to read and review ;)
Devanshi_Rathod Done with yours too!!
Anyone interested in review swap? Here's my link:
Saint_Grey already added your book to my Library. I'll do the review as soon as I'm finished reading~
Here's the link to my book:
@Incursio_07 Hi~ I'm interested in reading your story. I'll leave a review after reading.
I hope you could do the same~
Of course.
Hi! Let's do a review and collection swap! Please reply to this with your link if you're interested. I'll do the review within the day :)
Hi! Let's do a review and collection swap! Please reply to this with your link if you're interested. I'll do the review within the day :)