September 2021- Review Swap here!
Black_lotus_2004 done yours great work
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grimreaper906 Yours reviewed as well
[unknown] Are you interested?
I'm down for review swaps
Reply to me after you're done and I'll leave mine after
Juliet_Omuadona I did it from my another account junejunian
Dark_Scholars here is mine if you're interested
Dark_Scholars Yep.
I left a review on yours.
daniz_ Done with yours as well.
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Open for any review swapping
Title: Repent In Purgatory
Genre: Fantasy. Action. Adventure.
"We all die eventually, that's when we have to see what lays beyond that door at the end of our life; and how our actions in the living may affect our afterlife."
After an early death, a young man finds himself in purgatory. Being greeted by an angel, he was surprised to find that they were impressed by his work during his life and wants to hire him as a case/social worker for the souls in purgatory. While it's better than hell, many are still chained by their sins during life and can fall victim to being completely corrupted by them. From fighting demon monsters to helping people who regret stealing a candy bar, someone has to help these lingering souls as they repent. Seems like some work is never done, even after death.
Review swap anyone?
I will give you a detailed review with comments if I find it interesting.
And you can do the same if you feel like but atleast read 2 or 3 chapters before giving a review.
(I will only do it for 2 books and not any action novel please I am bad at it)
Review swap? Here's my link.
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Let's go!!.....
For mine just search " Judge of the Martial palace" in Webnovel.....
Yours reviewed with much detail.....
Hm.....Yours look kinda interesting...
I will read your story and review in a while.
Mine is called " Judge of the martial palace" search in webnovel
Black_lotus_2004 I'll do yours later. Thank you so much
Hello all Restful Sins here and I want to review swap on all sorts of books. I mainly read cultivation and fantasy but I like trying new ones as well. I just ask if you read my book let me know some stuff that could be changed to be more reader friendly.
Join Ezekiel keeper in a world were magic lives and the land runs red with blood. Follow him on his journey of power to protect what he loves.will he be able to become stronger than the force that drives him? Or will he fall into the abyss of hate and despair
restful_sins Hey! I'll like to review yours. Mine is
Yours reviewed