September 2021- Review Swap here!
Hi all let's swap!
mrant12 sure thing! can you also add mine to your collection?
echogillana yes i can, i collect first ok
mrant12 Done
mrant12 Done
BrightBrain256 hi can we swap reviews and also add to our collection? here is mine
can you send yours?
Samcrowned00 hi can we swap reviews and also add to our collection? here is mine
can you send yours?
Vienna_Gu done
TheCreator_ HI! Are you still up for review swaps?
mrant12 Done, can you write a review for my book too? many thanks
KayLillyt_1 done, can you write one for minded too?
Hello! I am in need of 4 reviews to reach 10 on my novel
Whoever wants to swap I'll do the review back as soon as I'm available during the same day.
Greetings :)
Skywards hi! i'm done with my review and I also collected it. please make me a review and add me in your collection as well... i heard adding to collection makes it better for the algorithm to present our work
Hero_DarkyDark completed it, realized I never said it when i did it a month ago