September 2021- Review Swap here!
Skyfall_girl I don’t mind collection though, will do yours as well.
PilgrimJagger sure let's swap. i will write chapter comments and paragraph comments too and at last i will leave a review. Will be done within 24 hrs. Hope you can do the same.
Ninestar619_5803 Swap with me too. I will do the same with collection and review and all.
here is the link. You can do any one of my books you like or maybe both if you like lol.
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I already made a review but if you want i can also put paragraph and chapter comments
PilgrimJagger thank you so much. I am done with your book too. IT was amazing.
Ninestar619_5803 thank you! i am on it. Will do it now.
Ninestar619_5803 I will. And I’ll be waiting for yours.
Ariel_x hey wanna review sawp with me???
Here is my link....
Hello, anyone in for review or collection swap?'s-sweet-obsession._24122223406345305
I am up for a review swap
Here is my link:'s-journal_24226431006174105
Ariel_x hey done.... Also added to my library and liked the author's page...
So hope u gonna do the same... I want to fulfill the 50 author page like... So plzz give me a like there...
I did to urs already....
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Hey everyone I need a big favor, I'm apart of the WPC #224 and I need a bunch of votes to increase my ranking! If you can spare any! I'd be vary thankful!
Also! If you wanna swap reviews, then if you do mine I'll try to get to your over the weekday!
PerkyPompous_Pixie sure, here's mine^^
002_Yuki_Onna Lets swap! Here's my link thank youuuu
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Hi guys, rookie writer here. If anyone is looking for review swaps, please reply to this message. But till then, here's my novel. Hope you guys like it and do please share your thoughts.
Review Swap
Title - Kingmaker from Mistnar
Genre - Fantasy(Male-Leading)
Tags - Kingdom Building, Magic, Villain
Link - Kingmaker from Mistnar
There is no free meal in the world of Pangaea.
Every action has it’s consequences.
Every boon has it’s bane.
And every gift has a price.
It is a world rife with plentiful resources, beautiful women and dashing heroes but at the end of the day, behind all the glamour and gilded statues, the world of Pangaea is nothing but a dog-eat-dog world. People here converge in groups, governments form, dynasties rise and logic and reasoning rules everyone’s action. And yet… when selfish interests are injured, people throw their gilded appearances out of the window as they delve into something that can only be considered barbaric.
Even their barbarism is shaped by cold, hard logic.
But how could the Gods allow such acts?
By condoning their acts, the Gods instill legitimacy in their actions, blessing Their followers to fight in their name, kill in their name and claim victory in their name.
The Gods crave nothing but recognition, faith and fame. Mortal resources doesn’t attract their gaze but millions of mortals chanting their names and sacrificing untold amount of resources in their names does. The Gods crave faith and glory.
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on who one might ask, the Gods of the Divine Pantheon finally met their match.
Foreign entities from a tainted wastelands have emerged on the northernmost boundaries of Pangaea. Worshiping tainted divinities, the men of the north are rewarded with twisted powers. Their dark patrons have little consideration for the lives of their followers. The Dark Gods have invaded Pangaea with force and intent. And it is going to take more than just heroes and legends to stop their advances.
P.S: Reply to this message for review swap. I will gladly provide you with your reviews within 24 hours.
Thank you