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September 2021- Review Swap here!
Hello! Anybody wanna swap reviews?
Here's the link to my book: https://www.webnovel.com/book/darling-x-daddy_24543049606179505
Aciee_GelaTin Hey, i am interested. We can swap comments too if you want.
Btw, here is my link. Read atleast 5 chapters before reviewing it.
- Edited
AYESHA_FAHIM I remember you. I will review
Hello apparently my story got flagged and I need to contact someone to have it fixed. It gotten flagged because of characters I used. I didn't know that I couldn't use emoji stuff in the story, it was for a texting scene. I removed the chapter and I am currently getting rid of the problematic characters. Could someone please help me get it unflagged?
AYESHA_FAHIM I've already read the first two chapters and I like the story so far. I'm going to leave a review now. Here's a link to my own story
RomanceFanatic028 hi, please respond. I see youve been posting elsewhere. Still waiting for you to review my book like we agreed
Hi All,
Looking to review swap, preferably with someone interested in Fantasy. I've only got 4 chapters, would appreciate feedback!
Anyone up for review swap??
I just write few chapter and I appreciate if someone give a review to me
I'll check quickly after someone give the link to me
Here's mine:https://www.webnovel.com/book/reverie-the-reincarnated-warrior_24607885405146305###
Aciee_GelaTin hi! I just left a review on your novel. Your plot was new to me, I didn't expect that. Here is mine if you have the time: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-celestial-empire_24611492405160605
Tokio999 hi! I left a review on yours. Hope you can leave a review of my novel as well. Here is the link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-celestial-empire_24611492405160605
leeroycgna Done reviewing.
PS:- Sorry for the delay.
Tokio999 VeraMera @TheCraZyaUthOr19
If anyone wants to swap then let me know. Here is my link. Please read atleast 5 chapters before reviewing it. If you want to swap comments too then let me know.
VeraMera Done reviewing yours too! Thanks!
RomanceFanatic028 Hello! Sure thing ^_^ I'll read it and leave a review
RomanceFanatic028 sure I'll read it and post my review after
RomanceFanatic028 I'll get to reading it and leave a review. Remember to hold up your end of the deal. Here's a link to my story: