Hi guys! Anyone can do a review swap with me? It is mature content! Just fair warning!!!
Hi guys! Anyone can do a review swap with me? It is mature content! Just fair warning!!!
Grandmasters I'll do it with you! I posted mine below as well
Demons_and_I done checking urs, here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/operative's-moderate-work_24859861805029505 btw ur book is great, sorry for the late response
Demons_and_I done and dusters here’s mine https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24593432906351205?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4322713241
Hello anyone interested in review swap?
here's the link to the novel. https://webnovel.com/book/23422471306645605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321320853
Grandmasters done reviewing yours! here's mine https://webnovel.com/book/23422471306645605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321320853
GMSJakers Finished!
WritersBlocku That sounds like a plan. Do you have any requirements for the review swap?
modestbaddie Done with yours, patiently waiting on my end! o( ̄▽ ̄)ブ
Jhaydun I guess you can be as cruel or harsh as you want, but in the end, pls give me some support. I'll see what i can do for my review on yours. Thanks,
Demons_and_I I read through five chapters, and it's not bad. There's a brilliant story there that you're trying to tell. You've got a lot of work to do to really make it shine, though. I've left a couple of comments and a review. Good luck!
WritersBlocku - I'll get to your book tomorrow.
@GMSJakers - I'll get to yours the following day.
Reading, commenting, and reviewing takes a lot out of me when I'm trying to consider how to constructively criticise the story. I hope you both don't mind waiting just a little bit longer.
Deja_Andio Sure... Here's mine. I'll like for you to be honest with your review. Tell me exactly what you think, no hard feelings...
Hotaroki done and dusted here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/strangers-in-town_24593432906351205###