September 2021- Review Swap here!
Altansarnai I'm interested let's swap
Rayne_Rue please share your link
Junni_MC Same here! I read all chapters before leaving a review... Loved it!
Demons_and_I we make an exchange
Demons_and_I Very well. Send your story link, and I shall read it.
Zhoa_Fei we make an exchange
here is my novel
- Edited
Gentle_Wave18 Done! Please do mine as well's-beloved_24896844705182305
Review and coll swap, anyone? Do mine, and I will return within a day or two's-beloved_24896844705182305
Currer i read your book and left my review here is mine
Currer Done!
Junni_MC Alright. Thanks in advance. Here's the link...