Legacy_za Am in. Will return the favor once you are done with mine!

- Feb 4, 2023
- Joined Jan 10, 2023
RomanceFanatic028 Will repay the favor once you've done mine!
buuut Hope you haven't forgettotten about returning the favour lol
- Edited
BrightBrain256 Done! Reviewed and added the book to collection!
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Rainandstorm Done! Reviewed and added it to library.
ASKeeling Done yours as well. Loved it!
Currer Done!
Altansarnai Done!
Altansarnai Doing yours now.
Junni_MC Same here! I read all chapters before leaving a review... Loved it!
Ekwonna_Irene Am also in for a review swap.
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Junni_MC Here is mine! I'm doing yours now with my other account. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25333407605613505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4323353064
EldritchBlade Hey, Thanks for the lovely review. I'd appreciate it thoug if you hadn't mentioned the "swapping thing"
Will do yours now!Junni_MC Hey, you up for review and collection swap?
buuut Done! Chapters and paragraph comments, added the book to collection and left a review! Please don't forget to do mine!
Here's my link. Will do the same for anyone who does mine! https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25333407605613505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4323353064
Anyone up for review and collection swap? Here's my link https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25333407605613505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4323353064
buuut Will read yours now, add to collection and leave a review with my other account.