BrightBrain256 I am. I'll review once I have read all of your novel
BrightBrain256 I am. I'll review once I have read all of your novel
BrightBrain256 I am. I'll review once I have read all of your novel
DymenS Sure and it's okay if you want to do a honest review
@KayLillyt_1 I am done reviewing yours. Do check out mine “THE CHASE"
funicon I'll get right onto it now <3
funicon Really liked your story, like really really liked it! Left a review and even gave a stone because I was very pleasantly surprised!
DymenS sure
DymenS sure
Aqua_Senpai Hi dear mind reviewing mine?
Here's the link
Nancy_Jim Yeah I'll check it out now! Here's a link to mine if you could do the same!!_21435479206495605
Nancy_Jim Just finished yours! This story has so much potential and I'm already heavily invested now! Good job honestly
Still up for more, going to bed now but if you reply to this with your book link then I will get to it in the morning when I wake up! Here's the link for mine:!_21435479206495605
DymenS Hello I already reviewed you Novel
JJ_Prakoso ah yes, thank you! I will also review yours, I'm almost done
JJ_Prakoso ah yes, thank you! I will also review yours, I'm almost done
Ladas_Zack I'll get your review in a day!
Anyone interested?
Prince_nonchalant sure!
here's my link:
leo_5886 Thanks, doing yours now
Aqua_Senpai Thank you dear I equally enjoyed reviewing yours