Lamelle Hihi! Would love to do a review swap, your book's premise is right up my alley!!_21926493306555605
I'll add yours and review by tmr, thanks!
Lamelle Hihi! Would love to do a review swap, your book's premise is right up my alley!!_21926493306555605
I'll add yours and review by tmr, thanks!
Let's swap and add to collection too.
This is my link:'s-their-story_20386239106987705
Queeniecat ok will review tomorrow as well.
Who wants to review swap?
Novel - Reincarnated As A Bee
Just reply with the name of your book and I will review it
Hey! I'll do a review swap with you, here's my novel:'s-universe-loose-screws_17870366306452105
I know how hard it can be for people to give a review for Bl novels. I'm also glad you notified us instead of just putting the link here. So, because you had the decency of human heart I'll give your novel an honest review. Please give mine an honest review as well. Here's mine:'s-universe-loose-screws_17870366306452105
I'd like to do a review swap, here's mine:'s-universe-loose-screws_17870366306452105
Future_M_Animator I can review swap with you too.
I get paid over $ 60 USD to
$ 90 USD per hour to work online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this one I easily earned
$ 21,000 USD without having any online working skills. Just try it on the support site ...
Here is what I do ....
Anyone wanna review swap with me?
The Light only comes simultaneously. The stories of encounters with death have slowly faded throughout history as they tell of the past, present, and future. Read about the experiences of many in this horror anthology and find what we have lost in this world that stands as a library for the curious... and for the unlucky
LEE_GRACE thank you
Hello who among you here want review swap I'm in heres my book
Thank you in advance, just comment down below your books thank you <3
I'll appreciate it if you could review mine based on the first 10 chaps, then I'll do the same for yous... and please do tell me if this is boring
Would you like to do a review swap? Mine is wuxia'er_21099650305208705
Lets trade..title is CHILD OF WAR AND DEATH