From the dawn of mankind, since we have existed, we have been at war with “them”. A fight for survival for us. A game of slaughterhouse for “them”. We could do nothing but watch as we got reduced from once great kingdoms and empires to small enclaves and little settlements. From every continent, from every corner of our beloved Earth, we were driven back.
The last bastion of humanity is located here, in the land of Translya. But even here, we only control a fraction of the total territory.
This is where my story begins, in the year 192. My name is Adrian and me and my family live west of the Free Territories, in “their” territory. But despite this, we are able to live in relative peace.
Until that day, until that cursed day... when my village was attacked. They razed every building to the ground, slaying every villager... even my own family... brutally crushed to pieces. They left me alive for reasons unknown. Maybe out of mockery, maybe out of ulterior motives. “They” didn’t leave empty-handed. “They” took my younger sister with “them”. I was left with a gift. A piece of “them” was forever installed into me.
“Them”? Who are “them”? “They” are whatever you want to call “them”. Monsters, devils, demons, fiends, enemies... Whatever we called them, it didn’t matter to them. Some of them look like they descended from heaven. The others looked like they were dragged straight from hell. Appearances didn't matter. Both were hungry for human flesh. They have only one goal: to destroy humanity and watch us suffer as they relish in their chaos.
But they seem to forget one thing: me. By leaving me alive, they left humanity’s own monster to feed on its own hatred and rage to one day fulfill its revenge. Whether I die or not on this path is not important. I can promise you one thing: I will retrieve my little sister and I will slaughter them all.
Regardless of everything, we will win. Humanity will win and we will regain the freedom that was wrongly stolen from us... at any and all costs.