KAEIYSHIE did u check when it will expired?
Compensation Notice
Still wayting for my 100 ss back...
Thanks for compensation
My 97 SS back, thank you webnovel
Jodee_M_Espanola I also want to know about that
Im forgiving u for a new bugatti. Ask my adress on telegram.
Noted. It's a shame you weren't planning to compensate, it's a point in your favor you listened after fans got mad without any other type of pressure. Actions speak loudest, I'll keep watching.
How will I know am affect
No compensation notification
If you were affected you would have noticed a drop in the number of SS you currently have an easy way to check is to look at your SS consumption history - several expired entries with the same date and time stamp would indicate you were caught out . QI are now refunding the SS that were taken if you go to your inbox and look at the notification tab you should see a refund msg there.
I got back my "expired" SS. Thank you for listening to us. It is a good thing that you have warned us this time that these compensated SS will expire in 30 days. It is now up to us to use them or let them expire (again). Whatever the result of our action, you are off the hook.
leisa I like how the airqoutes around "accident" and "expired" happen in my head as I type them. Man I come to read webnovels to get away from the petty bs in my life, now I have to worry about my reading material scheming on me. What is life even?
My SS keep disappearing every morning even tho I'm not even using it. I'm at 607 yet it keeps going back to 5**. What is going on. My fight to a 1000 is failing. Whyyyyyyyy. My stonessssssss.
SpeedGod They naturally expire after some number of days I can't remember. So for a while you were just accumulating, but now expect every day a certain number will expire. This whole fiasco was about them having a "server issue" for a period of one week that didn't do that naturally expiring, and then looting hundreds of stones all at once in the name of "correcting" their problem.
Yeah so all I can say is make sure you check in and vote every day or the number will go down to zero on its own. Thems the rules of the game.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Thank you for the compensation I apologize for the bitch comments I left, only incensed after losing close to 300 SS, mind you not as much as others but it still sucked to see that much lost.
Give me some too .I am broke :P
got it as i was panicking
I lost more than 600, but never got any back in the notifications. gg
Thank you Qidian