That's what he said. He isn't against women, or sisters for that matter. He's simply disgusted by the fact that they add women to the story simply because they're women.
What’s a trope you are tired of seeing?
I'm tired of seeing a trope where the MC suffered from family problems, found out her fiance was cheating on her, then got pregnant of had a one night stand with some unknown man who happened to become a CEO, then got abusive and yet they still manage to keep the relationship despite how abusive and toxic it is.
jEONGjEONG Is the 5-year-old son an expert hacker too? Or maybe she gives birth to twins?
Tomoyuki Can be either. And then despite everything the male lead has done, she never chooses the second lead who really loved her truly. aish
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jEONGjEONG I have good news for you. Have you heard of A Hidden Love Marriage? I think the Chinese title is Yin Hun Zhi Ai: Zong Cai Qing Li Wo Yuan Dian. Lin Bu Hui, the female lead, leaves the abusive first male lead and chooses the second male lead who loves her instead, causing the first male lead to get jealous and almost go mad or something. It was hilarious and satisfying to see Xia Yu Sheng regret throwing her away, and seeing her happy with the second male lead, Mu Yun Ge, who she marries after divorcing the first male lead.
There was a lot of drama, but long story short, Lin Bu Hui's son died because Xia Yu Sheng refused to help her with medical bills and whatnot (and he was the biological father too), so she divorces him, leaves and marries Mu Yun Ge after even more drama. Xia Yu Sheng later learns the truth and regrets throwing her away, and tries to approach her to reconcile, but she refuses and tells him that she never wants to see him again. So it ends with her happily married to Mu Yun Ge and having children with the second male lead.
Tomoyuki Nice! A Female lead deserves a good and healthy relationship. It's very seldom to find a story in which the female lead chooses the second lead. Very nice! I'll try reading that story although I always see that in manhwa recommendations and web novel hehe
Rape, toxicity, abusive relationships, under the guise of romance.
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I just saw another trope that I'm really, really sick of seeing.
Reincarnation in cultivation stories.
No, seriously. It's always
1. Whole world gets jealous of protagonist and bands together to kill him and steals his skills/treasure.
2. Disciples betray their master and kill him to steal his skills/treasure.
3. His wife/lover betrays him (bonus points if it's NTR and she schemes with his best friend or worst enemy) and kills him to steal his skills/treasure.
4. Some stupid tribulation thing, but sometimes while he's doing it, his disciples/wife/lover/enemies all show up to stab him in the back and cause the ascension to fail so that they can steal his skills/treasure.
And then he gets reincarnated in the body of a "trash" - it can be in a modern urban world or a cultivation fantasy world - where he has to start from the bottom all over again. You know, because he lost his cultivation, strength and skills.
But somehow he has this awesome memory that allows him to conveniently pluck out a god-like skill that he knew from his past life to make himself overpowered, so he goes around curbstomping every Tom, Dick and Harry who are stupid enough to try and provoke him for no reason. Like, what's the f-ing point of reincarnating him in the body of a "trash" and having him reset and start from scratch when you're just going to hand him a cheat and have him become overpowered in the space of one or two chapters? Jesus Christ. The whole reincarnation is pointless other than so that antagonists will go provoke him for no other reason besides giving the protagonist an excuse to stomp them.
Oh, and if it's urban cultivation, the protagonist will always save a rich old man (heal his internal injuries, improve his flawed techniques, etc.), suddenly get connections, a fortune and a villa (or some expensive property), and starts gathering herbs to cultivate. Every single urban cultivation story. No kidding. It's like the author is too lazy to think of anything else and just wants the protagonist to conveniently gets access to resources without having to work for them.
Also, why the f does the protagonist have to act like an arrogant prick and be condescending to every character he meets? Just because he was a god in his former life? He does realize that he was reincarnated and is no longer the same god he was, right? And if he is the same god he was...then why the f did the author bother with the whole reincarnation nonsense?
Because wish fullfilment.
Most people are afraid to stand up, for themselves, etc. So they go to books cuz it makes them feel better. Ig.
They wanna feel stronger than they actually are. ig.
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Misguided_Rooster Also forgot to say that these stories are always, almost without exception, harem. For a "trash" the guy certainly is one hell of a chick magnet. 90% of the time he would have a childhood friend or close female friend who's already in love with him even though his former self is a loser. Though, to be fair, most of the girls fall for him after he suddenly grows strong and starts showing off and stomping every other guy in the story.
Also, every other male character is evil, arrogant, a rapist, greedy, etc. The protagonist isn't much better, to be honest, but the girls all fall for him anyway because he saves them from the other male characters. Yuck.
But that doesn't explain the reincarnation thing. It's so pointless. If you want wish fulfilment, just start with, I dunno, a god. Why bother with the reincarnation thing and reset him to zero, only to render the whole reincarnation or reset meaningless when you shower him with cheats? Wouldn't the wish fulfilment work better without the nonsensical reincarnation?
BEcause it's more relatable. People connect with it more and it's way easier for the author.
Sad but it's life.
Misguided_Rooster Wait, what? How does reincarnation makes it more relatable?
Not the reincarnatoin, but the "trash" starter pack.
Cute virgin girls with galaxy destroying universe exploding dicks?
Misguided_Rooster Oh, that makes sense.
Dzeeck Well, I hope you learned your lesson.
The female big boss hides her capabilities. She literally knows every subject and still takes the last spot on the result list. I get you trying not to stand out, but doesn't being last make you stand out more? Why can't you take the middle spot, I'm tired of seeing those shit!
Then, one thing happens, probably a teacher disrespects her or something, then she's all like Fuck it! I'll show you plebians I'm the greatest in the world! I'll get first place!
That shit tiring asf!
Or the idiot female mcs that let a misunderstanding happen because she sees others as ants or she doesn't reply or react quick enough... It's always the same thing every time!
Aaahhhh... It felt nice to finally get this out