WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i want ask why i got half chapter .... is kind a bug ???? I really confuse now !!!! Exp hidden marriage at new chapter of mass release i dont need unlock the chapt but i just got 2 page can read of 7 page like usual ???? Not just this book but other book happen like that to !!!! Please help me
TGIF # 12
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Thanks! Much appreciated
Thanks, if it could be more.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL yey...mass realeases on novels that nobody reads...can't containt my excitement
super gene doesnt show discount??
Just used like 800 stones to finish MMORPG guardian :(
Thanks for new chapters. Please also mass release for trial marriage husband.
Thank you
Jajaja +rlss
My husband Lu Tingxiao
See U soon
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL thankyou for hidden marriage and monster paradise mass releases
Thank you
Thank you it would also be greatly appreciated if there is a mass release for perfect secret love: the bad new wife is a little sweet.
Thank you so very much..
give a 50% discount at least....
Yay! Gate of God mass release
Really looking forward to it!!