AlexNeo Auditors. If caught, loss in publicity. Public outcry. Lawsuits. Not a Qidian fan but on a business standpoint they would be stupid to not pay full price.

- Jan 27, 2023
- Joined Sep 13, 2017
Gothic_Temptation lol is this sarcasm
Bronzeapollo Good points, but to be frank, this post had no economic theory in it really.
You're better off not finishing Immortsl Mortal unless you want to be let down by it's ending. That said, the further chapters in Immortal Mortal are already drastically decreasing in quality, and it's better to spend your time reading something else. If you don't believe there's tons of people raging about ending in forum, just ask around.
Getting a simple reply on an update status took 2 weeks. That's unimaginable.
Cos Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich
bachingchung Lmao no. Please educate yourself.
Lmaooo "6 people are watching. Including us."
Mutt Yes that's definitely true. But when its an "original" novel and not a translated I expect good English and double-checking on the authors own work. You get me?
Mutt I mean... this is an English site. Feel like having expectations of good grammar isn't too outlandish.
Daoist2017 Lmao I'm done here. You can't really argue with idiots. I doubt you can convince him either.
By assuming an entire country is racist, by basing your viewpoint on a single person's experience (which, by the way, is the logical fallacy Appeal to False Authority (your professor likely does not have expertise in Chinese culture))By assuming you will be sold if you visit China (stereotyping Chinese and Chinese culture).
By assuming Chinese are rude and disrespectful (again, stereotyping Chinese and Chinese culture)
Now, let me make an assumption: you haven't visited China or interacted with many Chinese. If you still don't see how ignorant/racist you are then I have no words.bachingchung You seem very ignorant and racist right now.
bachingchung Foreign stereotyping much?
CKtalon Why isn't it the actual release rate? If it says x chaps a week, readers are expecting x chaps a week. Seems like a system failure to me, but thats exactly what I'd expect from a corporate branch run by a complete idiot.
wiman I would rather read 38 different books for my money than use it on one book, written by a non-experienced author, filled with cliches and fillers. Your word count system you use to judge these books ade invalid as word counts are artificially inflated by most authors to increase profits (I believe they get paid based on word count). If someone could truly drop a 300 dollars on a random book, then I mist say, dang you have a good life.
BlueCastle ??? Have you read his post
Isekai_Monarch They have exposure. Which is why we're seeing them. Op just wants a filter for them so we can't see them. If you read both, sure. Perfectly ok. But some on here want to read only quality stories, or simply ones from asian cultures. Why does it matter to you if readers are given an option to hide those "originals"?
Qidian doesn't care... there's some novels with no updates at all or once a month and they haven't gotten new ones. Other translators who randomly take 2 or 3 week breaks.
yu_ba_bu_neng Nope. Natural selection doesn't work here. Know why? Cause natural selection doesn't work in the real world. So people with "questionable" intelligence or simply just ignorance are around. Look at the original creations works. Not even translated, and the English for 99% of them straight up suck. Full of mistakes. Still get 5 stars. Still gets reviews filled with praise. Tldr: natural selection only works if the selectors are smart, which they aren't