[unknown] if you add a translator to your application, then I will be happy to use it. And so for now I will read on pirate sites

Whoa, really uncle calm down now. Just because we don't use coins to unlock chapters doesn't mean we don't gift our fav books or buy privilege to support the author. If you don't want us here we'll leave. You're just attacking everyone ranting on this website. Please did webnovel pay you for this promotion because we don't need it. I don't know if you're a contracted author and I don't care to know. You're talking about freebie readers. What about readers that pay? Isn't it half of your generated income you'll receive while the app takes the remaining 50%? Oh, and not only that, they also get complete copyright of your brainchild. Thinking of those that keep their copyright, they only get 35% of their revenue. This means if your novel generates an average of $2,000 every month, you only receive $700. Of which it won't be the complete one because bank charges would be excluded, leaving you with about 30% income out of your sweat. Who does that?
Then when people are trying to let off some steam you call them freebie readers and ask them to leave the website.
I don't want to talk more than this please leave the people alone, they have the freedom to do whatever they want and it includes leaving or staying.

Darth_Xiane I don't know about you, but I still get adds on the Pc version, aka I give them money, and I still do fairly frequently buy chapters or gifts to support my favorite authors or buy privilage, but now I quite literally can only read by paying now, and it just isn't worth it. Like it would be more cost-efficient to just sorta.... buy books? The whole draw of webnovels is that they're more accessible to both readers and authors, but now that accessibility was just killed. Why would I read something on a site for a massive fee when I could just buy a book instead? I stuck around and payed occasionally so far out of good will towards the authors, but now it's so cost-inefficient that you'd have to be an idiot to keep reading. I'd rather go to a pirate site than make financially irresponsible choice in regards to pursuing entertainment. Not only that, but if webnovel themselves where truly against fast passes and allowing readers, they would ban it on the website too. It's pretty obvious the only reason they did it to the pc version is to funnel people twards their fairly trashy app, but I hate reading on my phone as well as how it bombards you with adds every five seconds and has the world least intuitive homepage, so I'd rather either simply not read or again, go to pirate sites. Pc readers dropping webnovel is not a matter of the morality of fastapasses, it's simply waying financial incentives and making fiscally responsible choices.

i cant now pay for coins because visa, paypal, googlepay blocked in russia. webnovel dont have other payement methods even if i want to.
so i I hoped on free fastpasses. and now this...
looks like it's time to leave webnovel.

But... it is!
Firstly, I don't think it is very obvious, but webnovel uses ads. Which generate more revenue the more people see it. Add, I also don't think this is very obvious, but most people are freemium users. By shooing away a good part of them, webnovel is essentially killing that part of cash.
Secondly, the big webnovels, which are the bulk of profit? They have been made into books sold on Amazon and other bookstores. Currently, it is indisputably cheaper to buy a paperback / electric book once if you want to support the author. Everybody wins since the book also happens to make a better part of money for them.
Thirdly, notifications. Even in a carpool, the fifth rider still has the power to know if they are suddenly changing a part of their rules. Webnovel doesn't give that. Webnovel did a sudden change, catching everybody in the blind, without warning whatsoever. Sorry, but youll need to have trust and loyalty in order to publish a novel here. Trust that webnovel shits on. What if webnovel suddenly cuts profit for the writers?
Fourthly, stability. In case it isn't obvious, webnovel is built upon a foundation of writers and readers. And you know what all new writers need? Readers. The mass amount of novels in this site is founded by good writers, and a chunk of them is pushed to popularity by the many freemium novel hunters, seeking a good novel.
Freemium novel readers may not give webnovel the most profit, but they give webnovel the popularity and stability needed to monopolize the webnovel scene.

I think this move will make a loss of atleast a 30% in the short run, much more in the long run, bc maybe people who doesnt pay dont bring money but they can bring other people, "freemium" how u called them are probably the main guys who publicize the site, bc there are probably more freemium the pay users, remove all the free and u Lose all the power from that group of people, btw i already stopped read from here, better use an alternative site than give money to this guys

There is also the issue of incentives to participate. The only reason I log in daily instead of weekly is to get those fast passes. By logging in daily, I discover more books I want to read which makes me want to continue logging in and using those fast passes. This drives traffic and advertising revenue. Points are worthless to me, so there's no reason to log in daily. This also disincentivizes those with little to no money - like teenagers - to visit the site, reducing future revenue streams. It may not be an issue short term, but long term, they will lose a lot of business.

They should also know that reading long text on a portable device is uncomfortable, and the smaller screen is harder to read. I am sure another reason they did this was to push people onto the app, but even if I get my fast passes that way, I could never stand reading like that, nor wasting my limited battery life. I am sure a lot of people will agree with me on this. By pushing people away from web, they are pushing them away from their platform entirely. This means both less readers AND less authors.

I have no idea who approved this change, but if I was their boss, I'd fire them for doing something so stupid.

I personally hate reading on the phone which is why I always use desktop site. Not to mention the inconvenience of reading in smaller font, smaller screen, battery and memory of the phones... Now, I could get past no premium on desktop site, no participation in events etc, because at the end of the day I could use wn for it's primary use - reading the novels, but this newest discrimination against desktop users is making me for the first time consider leaving wn completely -.-

The real issue is that they give useless points for PC/Browser users. If we could use these points to purchase passes, then it might be more acceptable. Also, our votes to some extent determine their compensation, if I understand things correctly. Thus, if readers also voted for the author (using free passes or not), then they have helped the author.
I have purchased coins; but as others have noted, the cost conversion is waaay too lop-sided. I used to pay $80.00 for textbooks in college that taught something; I don't want to pay that much for a single book as entertainmet.

The real issue is that they give useless points for PC/Browser users. If we could use these points to purchase passes, then it might be more acceptable. Also, our votes to some extent determine their compensation, if I understand things correctly. Thus, if readers also voted for the author (using free passes or not), then they have helped the author.
I have purchased coins; but as others have noted, the cost conversion is waaay too lop-sided. I used to pay $80.00 for textbooks in college that taught something; I don't want to pay that much for a single book as entertainmet.

I think that I am gonna leave webnovel and look for other pirated sites.

I will check back here in a few months to see whether webnovel realized that what they did will make them loose readers and whether they have corrected the Mistake they made and if fast passes are back are not.

If the removal of fast passes for PC users was intentional, I'm going to delete the bookmarks for this webpage and look for free, alternative sources.
Disclaimer: I'm not a full freemium user, but I don't want to spend on every single chapter I read every single day. I have one or two novels I read regularly and now and then I spend a little bit to catch up with chapters if the story is at an interesting spot when my free passes are done and more chapters are available.
Many of the chapters of stories I read here in the past are needlessly padded and, in my opinion, not worth spending on. If my only choice is to buy all chapters, I honestly don't think it's worth continuing to use the site. It's simply too much money to keep up with even one novel, much less multiple. Just my 2 cents.

[unknown] Me too cause I got like 15 passes.

    [unknown] Me too cause I got like 15 passes.

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