Any chance one of the translators can translate to date this webnovel. It is a fantastic story. Unfortunately the current translated chapters are translated using a software that ruins the story. Please save this webnovel!!
Zhan Long very good novel!!
Not a qidian novel.
Only hope would be if an individual free translator were to see the post, and I doubt they would wanna negotiate with gravity tales for it.
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Water0202020 ZL is, in fact, is already picked up by QI thru them owning 90% GT ...
so why move it?
9thOm as I pointed out below GT is owned by QI, and 2/3rds of this site use's 3rd party tl'ers / software to do their jobs now on this site if you've not noticed the huge amount of basic mistakes on this site due to the software like when they confuse him or her talking about some of the character's sex as the software can't tell the difference etc ,
I'm shocked you noticed them on GT
Kulha. I does get somewhat repetitive in the beginning but it get interesting later a point where I can't even put it actually reminds me of the manga 1/2prince just not as comedic....but the world and story construct separates it from lots of other novels I've read....with Shura's wrath being somewhat similar.
Pizz that's what I don't get. I understand that qidian took over GT but why did GT drop ZL? The translation up to that point (at a little over chapter 700) are great.....these were very well translated. The bad software translation I'm talking about are for the chapters after 750 (I think). Even tho I love the story and attempted to plowing thru I couldnt make it thru was that annoying!! I really hope they pick it up again :(
9thOm In my opinion zl is a good read for its gaming elements however it is slightly ruined by its real world mysticism. Having the mc be a mix of an onmyoji, special forces is a bit unsettling. Still ignoring those bits it is a good read.
If ZL is considered a good novel, I tremble in fear at the thought of what else you might consider good.
I have read it to the most recent translated chapters at GT. I was losing interest so I already did a google search for spoilers to the story. Not really that great for me so I am not eagerly awaiting new chapters of it.
Same happened with SAS here. It was dragging its feet.
CreamPuffDelights wow ur scared easily aren't u lol. What do you considered as good novels then? I'm looking for something new to read atm :)
9thOm the only reason was due to qi not owning the rights an about 1/3 of GT listing at the time as some were owned by 17k etc , so if you think about it GT is qi's grey zone as it can host from other company's works now as the deals not done with qi but done with GT , and thats why the delay and also the reason it's back up luckly but i 100% argee the tl'ing job is crap as I used to read it when it was 1st released and your right as i said it's dropped so low its a joke , i also follow 2 other books on GT 1 is the way of choice , whitch a part from a few mistakes due to them using software like giving the spoiler that someone was, in fact, a female 200 chapters before if should have been told , I'm getting pissed off at the release rate of Versatile Mage which is in fact a QI owned novel the TL'er claimed he would release 45 + chpaters amonth and were lucky if we get 2-3 this is the dated release's on NU and this is the gt cover page
btw Versatile Mage is also known as Quanzhi Fashi ( with 2 season of anime/Dong Hua )
and its been left to rot on GT and with 2000 + chapters and it's still ongoing , i wish they would do something about it
17Sphynx17 i end up lnmtl the book myself and finished i was hoping that the GT release would be up to the level of the 1st tl'ers but its a pity its not as its lost a few bits in the TL as has made the book feel worse then it should be ..don't get me wrong its not the worlds best novel in anyway , but its a good little fix for a gaming novel if it was handled better
IF you want to to ask for recommendations as opposed to Zhan Long. I would recommend the following.
The King's Avatar is something I personally recommend. I watched the anime and even read the latest translated manhua/manga. It is not a cliche story with "repetitive" storyline, as far as I have read it. I am at 1050 chapters read already here. It is not just about gaming but explores the life of a pro gamer.
For a good laugh that knows how to make acts to break the story, I would recommend The Strongest System. It is a story about cultivation with "the strongest system". Act 1 is clearly defined and even Act 2 as well. There is some repetition, but it is unavoidable given the type of humor in the story. It is, for me, bordering on slap stick but it has its reasons because he can technically level up a skill infinitely as long as a proper opponent is in front of him. Give it a try.
For a harem story, NEET is okay. There are some cliches, and I hated one arc specifically but I still read it. Here though, I enjoy it more for the possibilities. I sometimes comment on a chapter and make a "fanfic" of what could be done/written about. It has humor and the characters react like you could imagine a manga/anime character behave. If that is your cup of tea.
I can also personally recommend the Gate of God for fun. But there is literally no explanation of levels of cultivation in the 70+ chapters I've read. I just read it for fun and I would place it like Zhan Long that introduced mutants all of a sudden. Here in around chapter 75, they introduced demons. I don't even recall them mentioning demons existed before in the world. So I was caught by surprise.
The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich is something that has potential to me. It is a fun read and I have only read 30+ chapters. Though I skip around 20% of contents of the chapters. I can see potential in the story that's why i am not dropping it like I did Release the Witch. But a lot of people also like Release the Witch for the World Building and intrigue of royalty trying to kill each other. So you may try that as well if it is to your liking.
Hope that helps.
As for Zhan Long, rather than that, I would read Shura's Wrath at GT. And that's practically done already. Completely translated and you just need to wait for the remaining 80 or 90 chapters to be released daily. =) It has some "Graphic" intimate scenes but nothing overboard I think. And this is literally a harem story where before the story started, he already has experienced multiple partners. So hope that helps. Shuras Wrath is only around 850 chapters total.
Pizz Yeah. I tried reading lnmtl but couldn't take it so I literally searched forums of other site for answers.
The current translator releases almost like 1 a week, that's already lucky. I don't blame the translator though. But it affects the overall enjoyment of it. The story had a good start and potential but it is too tiring to wait for it to complete now. I rather forget about it now and be happy with the spoilers I got.
As an equivalent to Zhan Long, I guess MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian is on a similar level of quality. Not that great especially the later parts. I more or less just breeze through a fight chapter now and don't even read the skills because too much already. It has real life things happening so that's a thing there.
It also has the competitions where the MC participates so maybe that can work.
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17Sphynx17 have you tried overgeared i know its not a QI or GT release but if you can get passed the 1st 120 chapters, its great even the tl'er said on release before you get past about the 120 mark, you're want to kill the mc yourself ,
also on GT Shura's Wrath is very good, it's got a few faults in it bit if you can get past those its a very good gaming
also, their are a few free tools that I'm sure even the tl'ers use that can give you less mental damage, as your having to wait for the real tl'er release to come out if you decided to use that will help when reading lnmtl stuff , i would put the links in but i don't want to upset QI due to the site a few come from and they don't get a long to well , but Novelupdates site is a good place to set looking :)