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awful decision. I can't believe how stupid the people running this site are. Can't even get the app on PC either.

I'm really disappointed, it was very good before, now you can't read anything.
You have to go through an application where there is no language you want.
And even, how do you read on the computer now ???
Shitty update

I am a french reader, i use google trad to read, what is impossible on the application. But you force us to read over there ! It's the worst decision you've ever made. I hope everything will return to normal, or it will be a final goobye. It's a shame.

    Authority_ peu de chance l'ami et même s'ils le font au moins 1% d'auteurs prometteurs est déjà partie sur un autre site (j'ai vu deux auteurs faire un chapitre juste pour prévenir les gens)

    Authority_ In truth, I only see it as a burnout. Something like:
    there are 1000000 users are on our site but only 10000 are daily on our application on which we worked "very hard"
    oh "genius" ideas and if we only allowed them to read 10 chapters and after the 10 chapters have just leave them the beginning of the next chapter and tell them to go to our app to see what's next, they're going to make so much "profit".
    Incomprehensible otherwise because it is a real commercial suic***

    Emperor of revolution here. You bastards kill your website and want download app?? I said NO. We go other websites, copy paste sites! We give you rate 1 star on your app! And give you notice text in your email!

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