It's simply laughable how I thought you might have something that is at least decent that you would use to argue against me. I guess I put too much hope in you.
Do not play stupid with me, for the facts are already set ink stone (get the pun?). As I have said before, iews tend to be overinflated and you guys know it, when you're on your novel's site and you refresh it, you'd see there's like 10-20 views added. You can just simply download an automatic reload extension, open your novel in a lot of tabs, activate the automatic reload extension, and then KABOOM! Congratulations, you gained 166.5K views. Of course, that is assuming you are knowledgeable of such things, which you should be since you are someone who has an AI generated avatar and novel cover.
I do have to agree with the part where you said "first go and check it.", which is what I did. I looked at all the reviews, took note of all the scores and here is the result: 145 FIVE STARS, 173 FOUR STARS, and only 6 THREE STARS. I must say, the comments are pretty much practically the same and there are only a few genuine reviews.
I see no fairness in your deal, which is the reason I am stopping more people from being baited. Your novel is guaranteed to be added to their collection and your chapters are guaranteed to be voted whereas what they would get is an empty shoutout. There is no guarantee that they would even have at least five of your readers going to their works. Do remember that we're talking about "GUARANTEE" and "EQUALITY" here. You will rise, your novel will get recognized, but at the expense of scamming people into an unfair deal, which only and if only you will rise and your novel will get recognized, would get actual value.