Dkanime Damn sucks coming them from you. How am I going to heal from this?

Anyway did I came into your house and forced you to ask for shoutout? Was your brain in holiday when you asked? Don’t blame me for your misfortune.

You think my book sucks? Say whatever you want. I don’t care. Your opinion means nothing to me. Your comment clearly shows insecurity regarding your writing.

Stop commenting more. I am not interested in continuing arguments.

Congratulations in your more collections btw. 😊

    Dkanime I am sorry for barging into the drama but i think you are wrong. You can’t blame someone if your book is not getting views. And saying someone’s book suck is an insult to an author.

    At the start even I was confused what shoutout was, but if you think carefully. RomanceFanatic never said she would get your book popular. She only asked if you want shoutout.

    If you asked for it then don’t you think it’s your fault? Getting something in return of shoutout. I don’t think it’s bad idea.

    Again, it’s just my opinion. Don’t know about others.

      NeverEndingStory12 THANKYOU! I know right? I never said I would get their novel popular. If you check the top post again, you can see I wrote “there is possibility someone will check it out” I didn’t said anything or made promises. It was all depended on the people who wanted shoutout.

      Can’t believe nowadays people don’t take responsibilities of their misfortune. They always wants to make others the scapegoat.

        Guys I am thinking about closing shoutout thread because as you can see.. SOME people have problem with it.

        I will start giving shoutout again but it will be depend on you. You let me know. Should I continue or not?

          NeverEndingStory12 Asshole.. can't you read and book as more collections than her's and lmao I've got views alright..valid ones...and she started the it's not my fault your book isn't interesting sooo I kinda told her back..what goes around comes around 😎

            RomanceFanatic028 yea.. the ones who wants shout-out is a possibility but yours is a sure thing..why don't I give you a shout-out and you give me power stones and collections..

            My dear friends, please ignore all the messages which some unnecessary people left.
            Some people are so full of themselves that they try their best to bring others down.
            Let’s not be like that. You know what’s best for you. Let’s support each other and ignore all the negativity others spreads.

            Bye. 😊

              Dkanime First of all Dont curse. I was just giving my opinion. Calling someone’s work suck is an insult to them.
              You act all high and mighty just because you have more collections. I just saw a thread of yours about collection swapping.
              So technically, even your collections are not valid.
              If romance fanatic is wrong by giving shoutout. Then so are you.

              No hate for the people who do swaps here, I just wanted to let this person know to not call someone out when you are doing the same thing. It shows nothing but hypocrisy.

                NeverEndingStory12 superb so fantastic you saw that and again can't you read and understand...I said I'll give you collections..I didn't say we should asshole next time read and understand..I didn't say we should swap COLLECTIONS or VOTES...I said I'll do it all they need to do is drop it so next time read and understand...

                NeverEndingStory12 Am not doing the same thing...if you could show me the place I said.."okay I have done yours now do the same for me.." show me that place in the threads I created and I'll give you a million go back and read to understand not to think absurd..

                  Dkanime Can you stop this already? I am tired of this thread coming in top Everytime. Please don’t comment in reply. Your argument and comments are turning annoying.

                    NeverEndingStory12 My dear please don’t comment. It’s not worth to argue with random strangers we are never going to meet. You should ignore him. If other party curses, it clearly shows their personality. No need to reply to him and make it big. Take care.

                      Hello, i am sorry for bothering (because my post won’t be a shoutout but something else i decided to post there since any previous attempt were drowned by bots) i am here to warn you about a stolen fanfiction on this website under the name of Star Wars: the journey of a slave (previously Star wars: True Darkness but i believe the thief Rising_fire changed the name of the story because he saw my previous attempt at warning peoples in the forum) this story was originally written by Rictus on under the name Path of Ruin and he never gave his permission for it to be reposted here, furthermore Rising_fire isn’t even saying it’s a repost but lie about being the writer and him working a lot on the story (despite Rictus story being started years before Rising_fire started posting it here) Rising_fire even had the balls to try to ask peoples to give money on his patr*on but since then deleted that comment, if you don’t believe me just look at the first chapters of both the story and you will see it’s clearly a copy-paste, likewise the rest of the story is completely copy-pasted from Rictus story only under another name, i am just trying to raise awareness as Rising_fire activity delete review onhis stolen story and ignore every attempt from Rictus to speak to him about the situation, thank you for your time peoples.

                        6 days later

                        RomanceFanatic028 Hello! Sorry to bother you, but I would personally like to invite you to
                        publish your works on our new website, Hope to see you there. 🙂

                          WaleXdraK Did you reported the story? If he copied others work then it comes under Plagiarism. Ask the og author to report this to webnovel. I heard some copied works were taken down by them. If the person got contracted then they have to give back the money they earned.

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