Iseeyou perhaps we should just ask the Authors to stop posting untill the Assholes get it
these bastards only did it on the fanfiction section
Kono_phineas_da same, its way more comfortable
Mes trois histoires on était réduite à 10 chapitres chacune, après le nombre d'heures incalculable d'effort à les écrire ( Pleure ) je vais tout reposter lentement sur ScribbleHub. J'ai le même nom pour ceux que sa intéresse plus tard ( pas encore mis grand-chose dessus )
Federico_Sanchez let me know when you know
If only that were the case.
I can't even check my own work on my laptop, and it's an original.
Its still the same even if you've paid for coins to unlock chapters. I can no longer read them unless its on the app. Complete waste of money as I read or rather read on a windows tablet
Have already found alternates to most novels. Will miss out on some fanfic though unless they post elsewhere as well