Singaporean here, would love to be given the chance to meet some of my favourite authors in person!
2018 Webnovel Fan Meeting in Singapore
Money is not the problem (for me) but i'm way too far away (Geneva). Beside i'm working on 7th. what a life. can you guys change it to the 16th ? haha just kidding. Let us now if you guys do something in Europe!! I would be the first to come :) Have fun anyway !!!!
If only we had that on Nepal but people here are only interested in JP anime and manga crap. Sigh....
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL cant come this year... How about next year? T.T (I've a lot of exam next month)
Sikria ikr T.T
Oh my gosh,Singapore?!! Thats my Country!!,Too bad im 14 and I wouldn't make it D':
Why?! When I can travel I'll definitely go, alas, it's not possible right now.
Ai such a grat chance ... Pity we are not rich enough to travel abroad
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I will like to go cuz there'll be a lot of people like me who likes to read too and because there'll be authors of my favorites novels too bad I live in united states and can't go there T_T
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL And here I thought I'm so thrilled to be in Singapore... Working day... Hu hu hu! T_T
I'll try to come... Will ogle at y'all from the opposite buildings. O.o
Not worth my time and money.... Just do your job diligently, author, translator...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I wish I could but I have spread my roots in another country. See you later!
I have tried to visualize the mindset of the authors of these novels but I fail time and again. Am yet to be enlightened. When I read them I cry with the crying ,laugh with the laughing.....
i would like to go so that i wouldn't have to stay in school for any longer. :(
My maths exam is tomorrow
Olivia is this Olivia Bowen...
too poor to go wuwuwu
I have so many questions for the "Release that whitch" author!
Me please! I am from Singapore~ haha.. would love to meet some of the writers, translators and people behind this lovely place where I get to read such fascinating books.
TheLonerLion batam?
I really wish to go but school and stuffs
Modsan pictures is good i like your idea
What language will it be in?
xian you almost get it right. Where r u from?
Is this how I rsvp?
Would love to attend this fan meet ! And I'm base in sg hahahahahah.
I'm so saddddd....!!!!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I really want to attend this fan meeting!! I love to read webnovels a lot, especially Chinese ones, would be nice to finally find friends who have the same love for novels at this meet!!
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Hi, if i get in, this will be my first time attending fan meeting events. I am curious and wish to experience how this event will be like. The authors' thoughts and writing processes will also be very interesting for me to know more about!
Thanks to all the authors for all their translation efforts, been a joy being able to enjoy these novels.
Oh yeah, i registered my account through facebook, so i should look out for emails linked to my facebook account?
Interested in attending this meetup. I've been reading webnovel even before Coiling Dragon was released.
I would love to meet some of the translators!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I have been reading novel for a lot of years now and truthfully reading novel fill my heart with warmth and I really enjoy experiencing the adventure of the mc in the novels. Thanks for holding such event I really want to be there but can't as it cost alot for international travel. If possible please try holding such events in India too.
P.S wish there would be an live broadcast of event.
P.S.S. once again thank-you for arranging this event & best of luck to you guys.
TheLonerLion If he almost got it right, I'm going to guess Tanjung Pinang or Balai!
Holocaust_666 Dont worry. You'll still get your chapters on time :P
Interested! Would like to know which guests/translators would be there as well ~
Why I would like to attend: to meet authors/translators ~ and maybe start translating. It's in SG, which is where I stay, so why not?
OMG you guys are hosting this in SG, I was so happy then I saw the date :( I'm flying out of SG on the 4th june.
Will there be more events like this in the future?
I'll probably be swinging by
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hayang ilu tapi teu boga ongkos. ripuh jadi jelema teu boga mah