TheLonerLion If he almost got it right, I'm going to guess Tanjung Pinang or Balai!
Holocaust_666 Dont worry. You'll still get your chapters on time :P
TheLonerLion If he almost got it right, I'm going to guess Tanjung Pinang or Balai!
Holocaust_666 Dont worry. You'll still get your chapters on time :P
KingBiBiK :(
My true name is NIVLA
PlueTomato PS. The strongest system is the best!!
Lam,salute to the best translator!
This is too sweet! But yes, China is a really interesting place to visit. There's tons of places to visit and good food to eat! And of course, there's the beautiful Sunny to spot. Hurhurhur.
Isn't the States pretty good as well?
KingBiBiK As a reader, I agree with you. At this point we're basically just living for the comedic moments before he finally builds himself up and is strong enough to explore the mysteries of the new arc as well :(
But I'm waiting for the culmination of everything coming together from the past. That's my pov haha.
TearsOfRose Never ever doubt Yours Truly.
Autarch_GRIM It's hard to use mere words to describe her ravishing beauty in its fullest.
Face_Smacking_Dao why dont you make "PIAK" as an example? Hais still more acceptable than that
What's wrong with PIAK, fam? :(
sfxRain Would you say that there is no way to rephrase these sentences so they are comprehensible to people who don't understand these terms?
I think that this portion is somewhat irrelevant because leh, lor and haiz refers to different emotions being portrayed.
'Gosh, this meal is pretty disgusting!'
'This meal is pretty disgusting, I guess.'
'Sigh, this meal is pretty disgusting...'
But as a singular term, I was under the impression that I was using 'Hais' as an onomatopoeia. But of course, I get and understand where you're coming from!
I think Millman97 gave a pretty good example of using Jeez. I'll use that in more circumstances I come across but I still believe that there's certain scenarios where only 'Hais' would fit the circumstances in accordance to the author's wishes.
Autarch_GRIM you do know that doing a live broadcast on youtube is a lot cooler.. right? Lol
But it aint up to me to decide :(
KingBiBiK you are the boss. Took over the leadership from the beginning. TSS rules.
The sound was little hard.
Hahaha Irene was just shy :O
But I'm sure they'll take note of the sound quality for the future.
soymilku MY HEART STOPPED WHEN I SAW MY NOTIFS. SENPAI FINALLY NOTICED ME. Jk. I'm so disappointed I missed out the livestream. Hope you guys will do a live broadcast in youtube (next time) :)
Hahaha awwww. That's sweet though!
It's alright. I'll be hiding as usual :>
soymilku are you gonna be in the livestream as well? And when will you notice me senpai? HAHAHAHA jk
Noticed! :>
That's for me to know and for you to find out though, haha!
Autarch_GRIM lol.. go go go
All I can say is...Cheers!
Miya how do you feel about this upcoming livestream?
:O Why me? :O
Autarch_GRIM you're gonna rip the void and appear live wont you?
Dimensional Phase Shift!
Autarch_GRIM Hmms?
Leylin_Farlier <3 Thanks <3
Face_Smacking_Dao It's alright. I get that there's dissent and unhappiness and I understand where it's coming from. However, I was just upset that you threw that negative energy over at neverfire who has done nothing but his best at being proactive and trying to improve the community. I dont have anything personal against anyone regardless of their opinions. But I just dont like it when people are unnecessarily rude to any bystanders of their own personal vendetta.
But anyways, I saw you apologize to neverfire and also, it was never in my capacity to butt in honestly. So yeaps, that's about it from me. Cheers!
Face_Smacking_Dao Hate on QD for all you like, that's your prerogative and it's been proven that we will all just continue to agree to disagree. However, @Neverfire7 is one hell of an amazing human being and a fellow lover of novels just like you, that's all. Load of bullshit? The amount of human he has within that amazing soul of his is definitely more than someone who would spout bullshit as such. Cheers!
jer0055 I would first like to address the issue about being forced to drop the quality of our translations in exchange for speed. A good translator manages his time rather than sacrifices the quality of his work under ANY circumstance.
Secondly, I'm not sure if you've missed the point, but a subscription basis would do no help towards balancing out the pay grade for every single novel under the scheme. Lets put it this way. Assuming you're Brad Pitt and you're made to star in a series featuring some random nobody from the streets. Now, I'm asking the audiences to pay a subscription fee to watch the series and I'm offering you to split the revenue evenly into half with the nobody. Would YOU do that? That's the same type of disparity that's going to happen between the top rated novel and the bottom rated novel of premium. Cheers!
Li Yunmu - 2 (-)
Lin Fan - 4 (+)
Ling Tian - 5
Qian Jin - 5
Qin Mu - 7
Shi Yan - 5
Yi Yun - 6
Zhang Xuan - 6
Autarch_GRIM HAHAHA. Okay, this honestly stole a chuckle out of me. This was good. Didnt see it coming at all, not one bit!
Velixar Well you can say that but the novels and their copyrights belongs to Qidian. Patreon was available for fan translations to earn their keeps. Qidian pays for translators to translate their works, they've got the rights to earn from it. They gave off Patreon as a goodwill gesture and now they're getting flak for moving it inhouse. Soooooo, right. We're talking about ownership and rights here, nothing to do with control and the likes. Even less to do with the timeline of existences. Sooooooo. Yeah.
Bro, as much as you're concerned for the rights of our translators, WE as translators ourselves will fight for our own rights as well. C'mon. If all of us are really being hurt that badly by it, WE would know, right? WE do have our own discussion groups and Qidian has been actively communicating openly to us regarding any changes. If things are really that bad, all of US would have boycotted this hands down, dont you think so? Soooooooo, that's how the cookie crumbles, bro! Cheers!
Autarch_GRIM Sir Chicky is the one and only god I pray to that brings me motivation to move on forth!
Mowuji_immortal Haha yes I am. We'll build more along with time, love and effort! HAHA! Cheers!