DonDenis You need a review?
One ps or a collection for a good and honest review.
Jaison_Arbor okay thankyouuuu I will going to do yours
Jaison_Arbor Done with the collection, I will give you the ps when I get a new one.
iwo835 sure I'll be giving you the review ^-^
iwo835 I'm done with the review, will be waiting for your ps ^-^.
Jaison_Arbor Done
Jaison_Arbor Done. Can y'all read "MY RUTHLESS VAMPIRE"? It's interesting tnxs
ItsEllie Do you want me to just read?
Jaison_Arbor agreed
review my story, add to library, and comments on paragraph, chapters comments 1 to 5, I would do the same
SoniiNaaz Hi, I think we have exchanged reviews before, if it's about chapter comments I can do that for ps, if it's five chapters I'll be needing five ps^-^
Jaison_Arbor You can also comment, collect and share
Jaison_Arbor already done
Here's my novel link
Jaison_Arbor done giving you ps and collection.
Here's mine I want a review
DonDenis I'll be giving you a review soon ^-^
sm_yesa Yes, I've just seen it, I'll be giving you a review soon too ^-^
Want to do a review swap? Here is my link...!_24355087405828805