Jaison_Arbor hi girl, sorry for the late, if you are up for the offer then let's do it.

- May 23, 2023
- Joined Jul 12, 2022
- In Review Swap
- In Review Swap
SoniiNaaz sure~~
- In Review Swap
SoniiNaaz I will but rn I'm editing my story so it'll take a while, can you wait till then? ^-^.
Violet_Ivory I'll give it a look.
are you a new author?
DaoistBtho1z Let them say whatever they want and do what you love to do because no one in this world has become popular just because they listened to the haters, it's the opposite so do your best ^-^
SoniiNaaz sure, do inform me when you are done ^-^
ItsEllie it's done ^-^.
ItsEllie I'll give a review ^-^
Rampaije it's a collection and one ps for a review, if you agree then I can give you a good review ^-^, I also can chapter and paragraph comments for more ps.
DonDenis I'm also done, good story
sm_yesa Done with your review, and I liked the spirit of yours to keep writing, don't let yourself down and do what you like to do ^-^.
sm_yesa Yes, I've just seen it, I'll be giving you a review soon too ^-^
DonDenis I'll be giving you a review soon ^-^
Lu_Shui Today's done too.
SoniiNaaz Hi, I think we have exchanged reviews before, if it's about chapter comments I can do that for ps, if it's five chapters I'll be needing five ps^-^
Lu_Shui Done^-^
Withe_Reaper I'm done with your review and now am waiting for a ps and collection from you ^-^