Kamera189 it's done
Review Swap
im down to review swap, reply to me when you have and i shall review your novel!
@Kamera189 Hey I'll do a review swap with you. Here's my link.
@rydertheking let me know if you want to review swap. Here's my link
Natay93 reviewed, please reivew mine <3
@rydertheking ok I'm about to now.
@"ItsEllie" I promise to read your book and leave an honest review when I get some down time. Please do the same. Here's my link below.
Natay93 https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24187282305602405?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321114691 Did yours now please do mine and please try to read volume 2 and 3 :
rydertheking Done!
Kamera189 up for review swap?
Here's mine
Just tell me when you're done, I'll do yours
Want to do a review swap? Here is my link...
sm_yesa wanna review swap. https://www.webnovel.com/book/survive-as-long-as-you-can!!_24103954106172105### here's mine, I will review yours as soon as I get yours.