Dreamerx30 gave you a collection and will proceed to read it now, ill leave some chalter and paragraph comments to proof i read it and when im done i will leave a rewiev please do the same
Review swap? + collection
vesnxx done. But if you don't mind I will like you to write in paragraphs not in lines.... Story and writing is absolutely. Good! Btw She is a crazy girl yk
Dreamerx30 what do you mean lines? Did i mess up something again thank you for sticking to our deal
its rear this days to find someone who does as he or she promises
Dreamerx30 and yeah all my female characters are crazy dunno...probably because im crazy as well
If you can do the same for mine, I don't mind doing it for yours.
Here is the link if you agree just say
Love a review too. Let's do this
Withe_Reaper left a collection and am going to start reading now i will leave some chapter comments also + a review. Hope its ok
Withe_Reaper done. Waitinh for yours
Here's mine
Tell me If you're done, I'll do yours
Sorry guys I had to rearange half my book but I will get back to rewieving amd reading your stories tomorow morning thank you for patience
My first book is completed with 23 chapters
The_Swimming_Moon done. Left a colection, chapter comments and rewiev
vesnxx hey, wanna review swap?
here https://www.webnovel.com/book/are-you-sure-you-are-safe-with-me_24000252806349805
Anyone wanna review swap. https://www.webnovel.com/book/survive-as-long-as-you-can!!_24103954106172105### here's mine, I will review yours as soon as I get yours.
AYESHA_FAHIM big fan bro..... your writing skills are just Whoaaaaa keeep writingggg I cant wait to read more and more and more,
AYESHA_FAHIM left a collection and will start reading now
AYESHA_FAHIM colection, review and some chapter/paragraph comments done please do the same
and good job on the book. I don't like to watch horror movies but reading it i got so much more excited about everything. Maybe because its easier to predict than in a movie
BeckyBamaGirl1221 returned the rewiev and gave you a collection if you could please me one too i would appreciate it
The_Swimming_Moon waiting for yours
rydertheking left a colection and a rewiev, waiting for yours
Maryam_Mayo left a colection and a rewiev waitinh for yours
Violet_Ivory lefta rewiev and a colection waiting for yours
vesnxx sure and thanks
AYESHA_FAHIM no problem you have an amazing book really i just nerd to wait for the evening so my kids gk to bed
Violet_Ivory sure
let me know when you are done
iwo835 DONEEE!
sm_yesa wanna review swap. https://www.webnovel.com/book/survive-as-long-as-you-can!!_24103954106172105### here's mine, I will review yours as soon as I get yours.
Little_North_Star thank you hun for all the comments and the power stone you are the best i will rewiev and comment yours in the morning, am heading to bed now so expect in, in about8 hours. Hope its ok
Maryam_Mayo I will do yours now
Violet_Ivory wanna review swap. https://www.webnovel.com/book/survive-as-long-as-you-can!!_24103954106172105### here's mine, I will review yours as soon as I get yours.
rydertheking wanna review swap. https://www.webnovel.com/book/survive-as-long-as-you-can!!_24103954106172105### here's mine, I will review yours as soon as I get yours.
vesnxx I have re-uploaded all the chapters , I want paragraph Comments chapter 1 to chapter 8,
I would do the same, Just read my book give honest review and Add to collection
Little_North_Star I have re-uploaded all the chapters , I want paragraph Comments chapter 1 to chapter 8,
I would do the same, Just read my book give honest review and Add to collection