I just wanted to know if anyone had the same problem in there facebook Webnovel groups

Whenever i disagree with someone on the page (we didn't argue) I am one that gets ban or suspend, do people get that petty to ban my account for a disagreement?


    I’ve never been banned myself, but I’ve seen people get banned for things from insulting the author of a Work, to hate speeches, to posting about non-book-related topics(like politics). Pretty much if you violate the rules in the group, or if your words can be construed as bullying in any way, then the administrators have to ban you. Or, if another user reported you to Facebook; that could’ve gotten you banned, too. Or it could’ve even been an uninvolved Karen complaining(like if curse words were involved, etc..). People get offended by the silliest things now a days.

      Novel_Dumre oh please, that's nothing my man. I got banned from discord cause I adviced am author to put female lead in romance or harem since that's basically the trend nowadays and get more views, but the moderator was a girl and banned me for being sexist I guess hahahahha, they sadly can't get the fact that their gender is really trend in romance on novels and that's proven by top books and authors.

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