• Diss
  • 'Incest Sex Stories'

To whoever wrote/posted this novel.

I would just like to kindly inform you that you are one of the most disgusting, the most vile, the most unwanted and most unloved creatures in this entire universe. It is a fact that you were given to your parents as punishment for the sins they've committed because you cannot be a mistake. Mistakes aren't as bad as the fact that you exist. You are a detriment to mankind and you very well stand as proof that humanity DOES evolve backwards.

You're a failed sperm experiment.

But nonetheless, congratulations on your achievement. You managed make those webnovel porn readers and harem lovers look good. A high tier feat indeed.

I hope you and your mentally retarded readers die a painful death.

Thank you.

Your friendly next door neighbor, Sky.

    Your poetic hate essay actually made me laugh although it is inappropriate.
    Although it is indeed disgusting, incest is not an uncommon theme in literature.
    I remember encountering at least 2 mangas with incest topic long time ago.

    I do hope that the authors tag their works properly.

      Lu_Shui what's inappropriate? Me or the book? Well, I did go a tiny, tiny little bit too far for things to say to a human, but that's the thing.

      I don't consider the writer a human. An animal would be higher but a bit more fitting so I'll place them there.

      Yeah the trope is a bit popular, but that doesn't make it any less disgusting. Come on. A father and daughter? Mother and son? Siblings? Nah I cannot- Nah. Man, f*ck that.

        I_have_no_enemies you know what would be funny?

        Ok bad novel idea.

        Tags are incest, romance and nothing else.

        So we get this epic backstory of this sibling duo, fighting against the world, super wholesome shit. but the author baits regular things, as if the characters are going to devolve into something lewd, but then nothing happens.

        So it’s constant incel baiting, where their expectations are constantly being subverted, only to have them keep reading an amazing work of fiction.

        Soon, they find themselves looking back at what they’ve read and finally feel a sense of understanding. β€œMaybe incest isn’t all there is to life? Maybe even I can enjoy reading a sibling duo struggle to achieve success and nothing else.”

        Then the story can go 2 ways.

        Either we do have the incel shit, them now feeling utterly disgusted. Also them now realising the irony of the situation.

        Or we have the most rushed and awful ending imaginable. Cuz we can’t let these scum of humanity have anything good.

          I_have_no_enemies i lost my hope a long time ago...it so many books this days where such things are normal...but than you have a book about samo famous family like hindreds of years ago where incest was an everyday occurence because they wanted onl pure blood among the leading family...and people wrinkle their noses...but thats in the past and it really happened...but when you find a book with this kind of theme you read it willingly? I have no idea who is more derenged...the one who reads or the one who writtes this kind of ship...i always leave the book as soon as i see words incest mentioned...

            GoT has a lot of incests, and look at how popular it is πŸ‘€βœ¨
            Just saying...
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