Guys have your book been pirated before? What did you do?

Someone pirated my book on internet. I write on webnovel but someone pirated my book and put it on Tim reads, I haven't even heard of that site before.
The person only changed the author name, but it's my book cover, my synopsis, my chapters, my everything

    that sounds so terrible! Maybe you should report the fake author to the Tim reads website. Hope all goes well for you!

    Perky is right, you need to report the culprit ASAP, before you start looking like the copycat.


    You need to file a DCMA report with the site, and with Webnovel, I think. Go to the InkStone discord server, and ask for the editor that handles them. They will help you.

    I had both of my Works plagiarized on Amazon, and this is what I had to do. I have found other sites as well, and have clicked their various forms of ‘report issues’ button. You will have to fill out a DCMA report for any/all sites. I also report them to Google, who takes down the link from their search engines. I hope that this helped, dear. Good luck!☮️❤️😁

    Just to make you smile: they say that ‘imitation is the highest form of flattery’. Your Work must be pretty good to get plagiarized. That’s how I looked at it after the anger passed😆😊

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