I am writing a book on two POV's. The two leads. I can't help but feel that I can't distinguish their character traits these way. I sound the same both way which makes it look like it is the same person with different names. Plz recommend some ideas.


    Make them distinctly different... otherwise why bother with two main characters who are simply carbon copies of each other?

      First give them their own distinct characters
      Means even if they have similar traits, they should still be able to be distinguished when reading.
      Write in third persons perspective.

        Darth_Xiane I see. They have differences but I'm talking about how I write their speech. I can't help but feel they are similar. But, I try that as well. Thanks.

          Inu_Patience Give them different character traits. When you are writing try to write like how they would do. If you would have have that characteristics then how would you say it. I think if you are writing same in both the characters then it must be how you would have told your story. Just think how they would do .
          Don't know if that made sense.

          You should have each main and important character speak slightly differently
          Like one speaks very politely while other frankly and other very rudely

            Just try and change how they communicate one rude and the other polite.
            This won't make you rewrite everything just create a situation to make one change the mode of speech.


              I have had the same problem as you. The inner voices and style of speech can be quite similar between characters.
              One way to fix that is to give them certain speech styles.
              One can speak in long sentences, have refined words and elaborate thought processes.
              The other can... well speak in short sentences, be more rash and impulsive, and use more slang.
              The key is to use hyperbole.
              This is fiction, so in order to make the characters stand out from each other you need to exaggerate certain traits about them.
              This is not such a big deal when you are limited to a single POV, but it becomes apparent when you shift between them.
              If you use first person, then the narrator at that point is basically the character.
              That way you can demonstrate the differences in their sense of priorities by going over the situation twice. Once when it actually happens, and second when the other person has a brief recollection and inner musings over the event.
              The idea is that since you have two leads, you need to actively make an effort to have them be a foil to each other and make certain traits shine.
              If they are too similar in design as well as your speech pattern, then it can lead to confusion and make the characters seem linear.
              In fact this is the reason why a lot of writers choose cliched characters.
              It is extremely easy to play up their traits and devise a speech pattern.

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