If you look at chapter 16-18 you will notice that on 1 chapter is repeated and the other 2 half way threw the chapter it cuts off to and older chapter. Chapter 18 does not match up with chapter 17. 18 starts in a fight while 17 is cut half way through were there back at the inn

    MasterNoob uhm, sorry but did you complain about the right novel? A brief read through displays nothing of what you've just said. C18 starts with chilling in a pagoda and not a fight like you've described.


      Chapter 15 and chapter 18 are the identical.
      Chapter 11 and 13 has the same problem.

      Different titles but same chapter content word for word.

      For example:

      Chapter 15: Torso Refiner

      "Both spurred their horses at full speed then headed out of town.

      They traveled for about half the day and rested in the woods in the afternoon."

      Chapter 18: Danger Zone

      "Both spurred their horses at full speed then headed out of town.

      They traveled for about half the day and rested in the woods in the afternoon."

      You can tell that the chapters are mismatched just from reading chapter 18 to 19 on QI. Chapter 18 ends off chugging some pills for cultivation and out of nowhere chapter 19 starts off with a life and fight. Plus, the content of chapter 18 in way suggests anything related to a danger zone like the title suggest.So you can clearly deduce that someone accidentally copied the content of chapter 15 onto chapter 18 (at least that what is shown on QI).

      Probably someone accidentally copied over the content of one chapter over the other. Aka someone fked up

        yes ch. 15 & 18 are the same, 11 & 13 are the same as well.

        So basically ch. 13 & 18 are missing

          Lazybum Lol thanks I couldn’t remember the chapters right, and I use a phone not a computer so a little hard to back track

            Maximilian Ah, I thought it was fixed. Will take another look at it tomorrow. I replied to some of the readers on Discord but forgot this thread.

              Hi everyone! We've amended the chapters; if you're still spotting repeats please respond here and we will get to it asap! So so sorry for the mess up.

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