Novel name: I don't know a good novel name
Synopsis: I'm a horrible author.. I mean, I'm not even done my first chapter after a week. I've been planning the first chapter for DAYS!!

    Leialeial I understand, And will make some changes accordingly, however, please don't be too upset at me for bad grammar, I grew up with friends who would literally talk like this "Grammar, dat nothin i don't need, I wanna say as i wanna say." So having such as them around me all the time has made it hard for me to see grammar mistakes.;,;. I will do my best (And I hope you are okay with it if I take some of what you typed word-for-word, if so and you want me to credit I will.;,;.)

    Blahblahblahblah I added yours well before this post, you are Que #15.;,;.

    Paparazzi Added, you are Que #52.;,;.

    Kimmyah Added yours long before this post, you are Que #21.;,;.

      DeJeL, it must be hard to have so many novels in your library. The sheer number of notifications must be daunting.

        Paparazzi Not really, when I get down to business, I can read at an average speed of 1-10 chapters in 30 mins (depending on chap length) so that's like a review every 45 mins * 52 = 39 hours, I spend an average of 25 hours a week reading Web Novels, so that's only roughly two weeks.;,;. easy.;,;.

        Paparazzi reviewed, you have a great story but a little problem in the prologue, it's overwhelming hahahahah you can see my review in your review sec thanks!

          DeJeL Go ahead and take everything, I don't mind :)
          Like I said before, I'm already editing someone else's book, but if you still don't have an editor in two weeks, I don't mind helping you out.

            Leialeial, I require a bit of your help. Can you please read my prologue if you don't mind? I am looking for people who can tell me about their personal opinions on it. I have been repeatedly told by the readers that my prologue is a bit too much for them to handle. Even though, in the following chapters, I have toned the complexity of my writing style by a lot, but some readers still may feel hesitant towards continuing to read. So kindly tell me what do you think about it --- Should I edit it?

            Hey, Blahblahblahblah. You have already read the prologue of my novel, so what do you think?

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