BlueRhapsody I will take you upon it. Here's mine
Review Swap (Screw it, just be shameless)
fantasy_land Review done
StenDuring Me as well
Lorime Remember, this is a review swap, please also review My Novel, You have been added to my queue and are #41 (I only did this because I love Japanese novels, so I wanted to see if this would interest me... I would else-wise only add Isekai novels until my Que is to 25 or less, and only via if someone directly tagged me... I review roughly 4-7 novels a week.)
Anyone can tag me at any time to see where they are in my queue (if they are in it).;,;.
StenDuring Thanks. I'll review your novel as well.
Hello everyone. I am new in the block.
Title: Can you mend my broken heart?
fantasy_land BlueRhapsody
Shall we swap???
niharikabhol sure, in queue
BlueRhapsody done!
BlueRhapsody VL_Night
Wanna swap reviews?
Ishita23 .... Sure queuing your work
niharikabhol done!
niharikabhol In queue
Ishita23 Done
BlueRhapsody done !!!!
BlueRhapsody niharikabhol
Still reading.. will post the review tomorrow!
VL_Night Review done.
Empty queue, down to read any stories, just reply to me haha. Check mine out too!
Title is Jezebel, in essence a sci-fi story with an AI baked into Jezebel's soul. (Next arc will deal with that more.)