Xincerely Yeah, don't be too obvious, but if you take real people's names, at least you'll know they're good/legit.

- Jun 3, 2019
- Joined Jul 10, 2018
yaoyueyi Should you ever decide to open back up again, I'm sure there are a few of us that would be willing to help mod and sift through the posts. Anyway, thanks for what you've done so far!
Suggestion: Maybe use famous Chinese names except change around the surnames.
Welp I have a friend who’s name is bing bingchonnie
If you want name suggestions, I suggest that you clarify what kind of meaning you want their name to have.chonnie
I honestly doubt that most people reading will know since (I assume) most people aren't ethnically Chinese, so it's not the end of the world and you don't necessarily have to change it. As for the Syaoran thing, if we're talking Mandarin, that's not a thing. IDK about Cantonese and Taiwan/Hong Kong spellings.- Edited
I hope I can help since I am also Chinese.
First of all, Zhao Syaoran is definitely not Chinese. In Chinese, the letter "y" cannot be used as a vowel, the character, "syao" does not exist.
Zhang is indeed a Chinese surname, one of the most common in fact. It's not impossible to have "zhang" in the name since it could be a different character with the same pinyin spelling, but commonly, you don't see names with "zhang" in them as I have never heard of one.
Changing names to just Wei and Yong is fine since Wei means greatness and Yong means brave. They are real names used in society.
Your MC's name, Yun Da Xia, what I think of is 大侠 which means hero and it sounds really weird as a female name or a name in general. There are much better characters with the meaning hero to use and usually hero is not a meaning incorporated into female names.
Hope this is helpful.Xincerely
The names Baibai and Lanlan sound really bad unless it's a nickname since (I'm assuming it's 白白 and 蓝蓝) her name literally means White-white or Blue-blue and you wouldn't really name your kid that. You should think about the meanings and keep in mind Chinese parents often name their children with attributes that they want them to have. For example, beautiful (mei 美).yaoyueyi
the number of times the rules had to be reposted is seriously sad
for real, just spend like 2 minutes and read the dang postYuren_Liu Can you guys make it possible to delete your novels?
- Edited
DJRogue @Yuren_Liu
Definitely need to allow us to use italics and bold and indent paragraphs. I hate having to use 'example' to indicate thoughts.fantasy_land I've already done yours.
You're welcome! I'm happy to promote a few of my favorites ;)
They're so underrated.- Edited
You might want to be a bit more specific than that buddy...
Read the rules ^zetsubouaichan Alright, I'm done...
Ishita23 Done
niharikabhol In queue
StenDuring Me as well