Hi, I am a new author. I am still writing my first novel. It had reached almost 9k views. But I don't have any helpful reviews. If possible please review and let me know my mistakes so that I can improve my writing. My novel name is The Black Princess Chi.
Need A Review
Hey, I am up for it! Here's my link https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25333407605613505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4323353064
Mishal_Mishi i left a comment on your first chapter. its a really interesting way to start the story.
Gentle_Wave18 I left a review on your first chapter. It is an interesting read so far.
Mishal_Mishi If you are willing to return the favor, then I shall review your story.
Zhoa_Fei wanna do a review swap. Here's mine
ASKeeling Done yours as well. Loved it!
Altansarnai I have undertook this assignment and completed it.
Hi, have already collected and added a review to your book...
Here's my link
Now please do mine
Hi, have already collected and added a review to your book...
Here's my link
Now please do mine
- Edited
Rainandstorm Done! Reviewed and added it to library.
Mishal_Mishi https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-hero-(d%C9%AA%CB%88va%C9%AAd%C9%AAd-%CB%88v%C9%9C%CB%90%CA%83%C9%99n)_25019715105562005. & https://www.webnovel.com/book/tale-of-the-demon-ruler_25020487305565005. Probably weird for you but, I welcome any kinds of reviews for this. So, here is mine. Thank you in advance.
ASKeeling Thanks alot though I replied after a very long time. Your review is very precious to me. Once again thanks alot.
If you like sci-fi fantasy and a power system that is based on magic contracts, you will probably like 0Dimesional Magus0 https://www.webnovel.com/book/dimensional-magus_28410285600646305 reply if you wanna review swap, only honest ones
Mishal_Mishi interested