WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I believe when you asked what other things that you could do to improve TGIFs, a lot answered discounts. sigh you see, we meant discount on all premium novels, not just a single premium novel. And why the hell did you revolve an event for all readers to just RTW fanfics? They alreadt have an event on their own and you want to take this week's TGIF from us?! #nonRTWreadersLivesMatter. Also, we meant "add" discounts not "replace" mass releases! Seriously, does it really take a genius for you to get that? Come on! You're tearing us apart!

I'd rather have mass release. I was waiting for Hidden Marriage mass release since its TGIF. And I got to see this. 😭😭😭 Nooooooo. πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

TheMundaneGuy I say why even bother.., u cant please everyone.. I'm not saying I'm entirely innocent in this I do bitch n complain too but it is what it is.. there will always be someone not happy abt the status quo

there's one book left in the queue :sweat_smile:
what is the point of voting, can you give me those 5 extra spirit stones upon check in as default?

WHAT??? No... I want to meet Lazy Cliche too T.T Akhhh one of my fav author...
And where is the mass release? T.T

    Worst TGIF ever!

    Few Fridays deserved the β€œThank God” in their name.
    This one is more like β€œThank the Chief Janitor at QI it’s Friday”.

    I would prefer an once a month month, good, TGIF than an every week boring F.
    This is also the case with new novels. I think that QI introduces too many weak and poor translated stories intead on concentrating on the good stories.

      Evander I dont think that I’ve seen a truely good novel be introduced in awhile. It’s like all the good ones were the ones being translated before qi took over then there were a couple good ones introduced in the voting thing. Now there’s cookie cutters and random ones that just make me go wtf in the first chapter. Im so tired of dropping novels πŸ˜‚

      Rather than all these events I’d prefer them to just give mass releases. Except for the ye xiu event only a handful actually get the spirit stones in these events and most guys are just too lazy to figure out these clues or fight for some code only the first guy can use. Mass releases are for everyone.

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