Let's be honest, I'm sure we've all thought of the mechanics in the game novels and honestly they are all unfairly unbalanced, destroy the game economy, and honestly would break any game in real life.

After reading a bunch of novels I've just come to see that authors kinda suck at making a balanced game that's fun to play. Let's take for example Tempest of the Stellar War. In the game there people have to buy with real life currency the more advanced mechs and there's not stated way to obtain part or new mechs, making it the definition of pay to win. For that matter almost all of the games presented in novels are pay to win in one way or another.

Another thing I just find jarring is the turtle slow progression of levels in game. In some novels obtaining levels just sound like such a chore and no fun at all, and any other class that's not a fighting one is out of luck when it comes to power levelling because most experience is awarded to fighting. That would keep any prospective player from trying any of class that's not one made for fighting. Which is stupid for a game that gives players the option for various jobs and classes. Why would I be incentivized to play a blacksmith if I'm leveling and obtaining stats at a tenth of the speed of a warrior class?

And speaking of stats, why some authors love to be numberphiles and put stats and bars in the millions and billions. Like that's such a cluttered and ugly UI to look at and would be a pain to keep track of. I get the need to emphasize the great power and expenditure of attacks and the like but that is more easily achieved through contrast between characters, than throwing giant numbers at the reader that at the end of the day mean nothing and will never remember.

Seriously, a game Novel is way more enjoyable to read when the game mechanics and the like is better defined and balanced cuz let's be honest, no one would be playing these games if they came out in real life, let alone become such huge success as stated in novels.

    So basically Shura’s Wrath.
    P2W - check
    Imbalanced classes - check
    powerful hidden abilities - check
    bad PVP - check
    slow leveling - check

    On another note, I thought The King’s Avatar had a pretty balanced system. I only got about 300 chapters in though.

    Horizon You really should read TKA. I'm reading up to the latest. I mean, why even try others when TKA was number one on popularity and ratings for the video games genre. :(

      Lel. Hard leveling is rare? Have u played Lineage2. Try getting a subclass in Interlude expansion. good luck bro.

        Horizon I still haven't gotten to a novel where the game played was good. I think it's more about wish fulfillment and getting revenge on people that wrong the MC than about the game in most popular gaming novels.

        I'd love to see one where the lvls had a cap, there was a real endgame instead of constant grinding, one where no op classes existed, where harems didn't form around the MC, and where skills mattered more than items. But the writer would have to have massive MMORPG experience and a decent writing talent to make it work.

          slipith I doubt that you have to travel for hours just to get to an area for grinding and then have to grind for days and at least 12h each day just to get a lvl, and then do it some more.

          I don't know why this became a trope in VRMMORPGs, but it is.

            Kulha You said it bro. Except for TKA & a few others, most game webnovels are all about wish fulfillment. This is what makes me stop reading them. At first people might find it interesting, but as the chapters pile up the wish fulfillment just makes me feel sick. And basically every other author writes the same way.

            Kulha Especially since harems don't make any sense in those stories. I'd love to see a development where the MC goes up to meet his game harem IRL, and they're a bunch of neckbeards.

              Klepar Hahaha, yeah. From my experience, there are like 2-4 girls in a top guild that does raids and endgame competitively on average. In some novels, half of the guild's best players are the MC's harem.

              Also, I wish that a novel would have a good guild system and fair item distribution. In most novels, you can already guess who will get the item depending on its rarity, especially if there are like 4-5 players that could use it and the MC isn't one of them. Then one of the MC's harem gets it for sure, the more liked she is the better the chance.

              A normal guild would fall apart after a couple of such runs, and these people keep doing it without stop.

              if you don't like that much, you can also try Overgeared. It's pretty good but still has Legendary Hidden Class but it's still somehow balanced. The legendary classes are OP but not OP enough to destroy 1000 players. The start is bad but the following chapter (70+) are getting better and better.

                I don't understand the love for TKA. I mean he clicks fast, everyone else is surprised. Ta dah! If I'm gonna read it I'll probably just do the same with other novels of similar genre and skip the 2-3 chapters of grinding and battle scenes and skip to the result. Because we all know how he win, coz' of how fast he clicks and efficient his moves are.

                  Kulha How about a Dark souls Fanfic??... or a novel with Dark souls game-play mechanics(minus the dying part and soul devouring part)??...
                  Even gods will bow before a tree bark wielding nomad with skill!!

                    UnhingedTaboo Didn't play the game but do know something about it. A Dark Souls MMORPG might be interesting, but don't know how well something like that would work with other MMORPG mechanics.

                      Imagination Overgeared gets annoying due to the op classes, no lvl cap, and harem. The MC isn't likable at all and has op luck. I read until the second national competition so don't tell me that I have to read further.

                        Kulha It works very well.... Dark souls already has a dimensional summoning system in which players from their game can enter and kill the host player(taking his embers and souls with him)... you can call for people for help from different realms(Others players).
                        P.S> Dark souls is highly regarded for it's PVP and PVE gameplay due to it being completely skill based...

                        Skill players can complete the whole game without upgrading or level up, in a single run without dying!!..... THey can kill other players easily
                        Some players create a specific character to hunt other characters(players). Like I did with some daggers and a young white brich....!!

                        The worst in thes novels is the MC's luck. If the game is about grind the mc always obtain the better of any drop. if is about mission the mc always find the hidden quest.

                        Okay is the mc and need more luck than others, but it's seen that the game was created for the mc (I know that in fact author created the game for his mc, but these games make the novel less interesting)

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