
  • Feb 6, 2019
  • Joined Dec 24, 2017
  • Once Strongest System ( the only noves i read here) finishes I'm out. Only reason I'm still here is because of awesome translator of that novel. this site is a cancer for the community. You can easily find sites that repost their novels elsewhere

  • Cut the value of SS 10 times and money will flow like a river.

    • Thr funny thing is you are the reason for this whole thing. The sole fact that you pay so much for the content. 70$ for every person like you. Why would it change?

      • Read Strongest System. Funniest novel I have ever read, and I have seen plenty. MC first ultimate move is balls squeezing

        • Here, no. It has waaaaaaay too much filler. Basically 80% of the book. If you find it for free though...

          • There is no free chapters any more. You pay or you don't get shit. Guess what QI said they won't implement. You guessed it. Paywalls.

            • It's not bad, i am currently reading like 900 chapter or so. But the fillers.... Oh man.... It is one of the most filler packed novels out there. I suggest finding another site if you want to read it. Paying for it is Waaaaay to expensive

              • It's all about the pricing for me. While the current SS prices are "bearable" to the richer parts of the world, here in the "middle class" country like Poland it's really expensive. If the pricing was on par with chinesse version of the site ( i think the guy with the fluffy white dog avatar concluded it was A LOT cheaper) i would fork out some money on my favourite novels. Right now, it's too expensive.

                And the filler... I remember a chapter of A Will Eternal where MC literally took 3 steps... Rest was reactions... How can i pay for that?

              • It's not about you, nor someone paying once in a while. It's about those few people swimming in money that can pay for everything they want, no matter how expensive it is.

              • Cool. I'm done. Uninstalling today. I was only sticking around for Stronges System anyways. I can still recall when QI was only comming out, and they stole pretty much everything from WW and community here was defending them, saying they will keep it free. Later they said only select chapters will be behind addwall, then only a few novel will be premium and you can still read it for free if you are patient enough. Guess what will be comming next? I will not stick around to get disgusted again...

                • Lel. Hard leveling is rare? Have u played Lineage2. Try getting a subclass in Interlude expansion. good luck bro.

                  • Krazyguy75 I have 1 main novel that i buy whenever new chapter is released (Strongest System-hillarious novel with a good translator) and one novel that i'm mildly interested in (Avalon of Five Elements- started awesome but filler chapters got really out of hand). You can read 1.5. novels with a fast release speed, anything else is way too expensive. I mean let's be honest 70 percent of chapters in novels are either compleatly fillers or have only minimal impact on the story. And before reading you can't know it it is a filler or not. How can i pay my hard earned money for a chapter filled with "boooms" and loud shouts of disbeliev that i will skip anyway...

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