The racism in china transcends the boundary of xianxia. Just read otherworldly evil monarch-you have a bakayaro monster. And a mc who previously wished to remain neutral suddenly gets angry and power to wanna destroy all those 'invaders'
Too Much "HOMESICKNESS!" In WebNovels
I saw that! YEPS! Though Author says he was forced to Do So! He makes it Like this! Yeah! But I get the Feel!
Limitless Can Be Added Into That Category, So Can Be THE SACRED RUINS!
O yeah i never noticed this ,but now as u saying i think i hv sm issues 2 b suspected as u say right, moreover i will notice more in future reading.
Original Authors are also starting to Copying this trend... Chinese Names, Chinese Words.........
NewCultivator What does that have to do with racism?
Kulha Not racism, its called a political agenda or foolishness by some authors (I may get some hate for this but). I dream't of Originals showcasing the culture and diversity of others readers through their engaging story-lines or bullshit(in a good sense). But what I see is just same copy paste names and mythos recycled in their own world. There is nothing unique and in a sense degrading to us and themselves. Only the the chinese cultural exist in their world with other being non-existent..... And I will also claim when a new culture is introduced, they will surely be backwards idiots or some kind of villain or oppressor.
UnhingedTaboo Don't really know about others since I don't have time to read, but in my Xianxia novel the MC is from the US and wants to change the culture he got reborn into. People can take the standard template like that and do their own twist on it. Using the names and words doesn't mean anything, they're just words.
Kulha I am not just talking about names though, what I am talking about is culture here. What I want is culture.
Would you not love to read a viking or nord in the battle between Greek gods(Yeah!! take that Kratos). Or would you not love to see some Lovecraftian Gods fighting against immortals??
Or a VRMMORPG in which the MC comes from Uganda and trolls other troll-players with his "Do you Kno Da Wae" meme(His class being MemeBreaker) or any other meme he can unlock.
Or how about a tomboy woman thrown in Zombie apocalypse? fighting for survival??
Or just a Cliche Australian old man being a bounty hunter in a futuristic cowboy world.??
I need their personalities and antics in a novel.
You can call them Yun che for all that matter!!
UnhingedTaboo You write for the audience you have, not the one you'd like to have.
Kulha Nah!! I guess our feelings in this point differ. I write for myself and feel happy to see others liking my work having the same taste in novels.
Hi, as a Chinese webnovel reader for 5 years, I'd like to explain it a little bit.
First, the nationalism and racism in webnovel hit its summit between 2000-2008. China was kind of weak then(the economy is worse than Japan and the US bomb our embassy). So the trend was "slaughtering Japan and annihilate the US" because people need to find some compensation in the fantasy world which they cannot get in real life. This trend quickly change after 2008. The newly translated novel on International QI is not necessary newly written novel. If you read a novel started before 2010-ish, it's likely to find some nationalism in the novel.
Second, the income of writer is directly from readers. Most of writers would not risk their bread to say something bad about China. If the reader don't like it, the number of your monthly ticket(monthly powerstone) and recommend ticket would drop dramatically and your income drop to ground. It's more a economic issue than a political issue. So even in new novels, it's hard to see author criticize China.
YEP YEP YEP!! ABSOLUTELY. r these authors sick or something. cant they think that they r killing their audience by showing THIS much patriotism. i sometime kind of feel like im living in a different world where chinese is the almighty and all other people r stupid pigs waiting to be slaughtered. man.... i've dropped too many novels for this. sigh.... hope they change it a little bit. this is kind of sick. [on the side note, every time i see this kind of bloody patriotism, i feel like slaughtering a bunch of them and showing them what true TERROR is, just kidding. dont ban me from webnovel tho]
- Edited
Well, considering their actual audience is China, I suppose it is natural for them to show nationalism. Besides the trend has decreased drastically nowadays(2011~)(not talking translation but date at which novel was written)
I drop highly nationalistic novels or novels which openly target a certain nation(for eg: I dropped Shura wrath, God and devil world, hacker etc etc).
UnhingedTaboo Dayuum sir If you ever start any novel with this Idea Let me know I sure as hell would wanna read that :O
Immortal_Simo he has written a novel- "great exotic food critique"
DaoMasterTianLong It is the translator being lazy. The Chinese term for East China Sea can also mean Eastern Sea which is part of Chinese mythology. Some dumb translators like those of Martial God Space are idiots who don't know such basic thing.
To be fair they can't say anything, their internet is heavily monitored and if their caught bye?
On a off note the chineese propaganda is hilarious. Watch somwthing covering ww2 when japan invaded. You'll basically be watching martial arts experts with bows and swords slaughtering hundreds of modern japeneese soldiers. If you need a laugh anyways.
I just seriously feel..that this patriotism wave is gonna kill all the good repo which we readers ever had of china.. It is just like "Its ok When U cut fish for soup..but its Blunder when u Mincemeat it and mix it with broth"..that is what happening, I hope this issue seriously gets discussed in academic world..China Has really got aggressive these days..I am not one who Can literally comment what they should is the people their..but As A common Reader I hope our voice reaches the author and they Kill this Suicidal trend.
bachingchung Authors somehow manages to overcome that problem, in Otherworldly Evil Monarch, the author made an enemy race who are UGLY and DISGUSTING, they use Katanas and words like "Baka".