I kind of getting repulsive of reading system related novels especially those check-ins system and for where MC doesn't question the existence of system in first 100 chapters. System in fantasy novel is a very powerful tool, if there is no question of it's existence, it's kind of trails towards not mentioning how it came to be even in the end of chapters. No matter the kind of System, if it can defy the laws of heaven then it should equally have reason for it's heaven defying existence, not some bullshit i came to be how i came to be just accept my existence.
What's your most hateful genre of fantasy novel for you in 2023?
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@Boss_Knight_4844 ouch that thing hurted cause i am currently writing a system novel. (Failed Villain BL would love it if you check it out and tell me if i am doing the same thing you talked about here).
Second of all I hate the most popular genre on webnovel. FL gets rped but then goes back to the same guy and we get 2000 chapter of them falling in love. Like hell noooo.
Or revenge rpe where FL let's the villains gets r*ped and doesn't do anything. Like am I supposed to call her you go queen? Who is reading this trash, why is it getting so much attention by webnovel like we live in 2023 right. Next will I am not like other girls troupe I look great without even trying but hate it when people tell me I am beautiful.
Last one I am teen the choosen one but I hate to be the choosen one.
Yeah some time i also don't like fl, its good if they are are strong. I kind of like villianess fls but when they just ignore everything and act dumb for the same guy even though the guy don't like her it's quite frustrating. Just dump him and go find someone else, there 100s of fish inside the sea, why are u clinging to the same person, like he is the last guy inthe world. Also when all the mls are after the fl, but she is not giving even a single one reply and saying they r just friends even though she know they have feelings for her, I hate that povvvvvvv.
I m there with all you guys. Alsi hate the 'if he loves me he'll come back'. ML/FL wait for their cheating partners to return to them. If they didn't know it's understandable but those FL that stay with the cheating husbands/have mi stress just cuz ge is her husband and she can't break the marriage.
I particularly hate harem. I still can't wrap my head around people being sexist in this day and age. Turning women to objects of pleasure for men and to be traded and swapped around is just plain repulsive and insensitive. And I am disturbed by the authors that keep churning out new ones as though the world will stop spinning if they don't write them. With equal measure I am disturbed how sick the fan base must be. Urgh! This, and the ones that glory rape, should be censored. This is not just a question of morality, but equality.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is system? I am a little worried my book falls into this category but it is not something I'm familiar with. I am quite sure there were not so many genres, when I was young (lol).
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NinaChroni It's a genre where some form of computer software of system is used in the novel that would reward the user or help them gain skills and stuff. There's usually an interface that the user can see and interact with.
Oh, okay..I was way off. It's hell getting old (lol). I really appreciate you filling me in on that. I had no idea. My book is definitely not a system book.