Mall of Asia, or any other places in Manila please. :)))

oh i like that! Manila is fine or Cebu(never been there) en what ever will be decided will be cool for me... I'm just hlad for this upcoming event....

    TrueDawn Ive never imagine writers could be this outgoing. More so, writer's event. I hope to hear a good feedback when this indeed happens.

      Please maintain a form of decency. You may make a few girls reading this thread to feel creeped out by such disgusting behavior.

      Now back to the topic.
      1. Yes I'm interested but I'm not sure if i'll be able to attend. (Reason: Work)
      2. NCR
      3. Feb.
      4. As long as it is affordable.
      5. Depends

        I’m so excited about this. I’m stoked. It’s awesome to meet authors and fellow filipino readers of Qi.

        Since it’s an official meet up. I’m willing to pay 500php. I hope this entrance fee includes some freebies like... idk? A lanyard or some kind of memorabilia? A snack maybe?

        Also, it would be great for aspiring writers to learn from authors. Why not do a mini workshop? Some games? And Q and A? AND OH MY GOSH. A KARAOKE BATTLE WOULD BE FUN!

        About the venue? I do hope it’s in Manila. We can hold it in a cafe? Or restaurant (if its 20-30 people) Here’s a suggestion, why not livestream the event so people from other parts of the country can join?

        And btw please make it saturday! Merch is fine too! :)

        Thanks a lot! if you need help organizing it. I’m willing to help 💖✨

          soymilku Sounds fun, we're planning on staying together and a Farm House in Rizal then do some hiking, but it's still tentative since we're tallying the people's reply.

          I support this. I'd like to meet up with fellow authors and readers alike.
          Although I'm not sure if we're going to have enough of an audience to fill up big venues. (Only because I haven't felt much of a presence from the Filipino community enough to fill up the regular big event venues in manila)
          But it's still going to be next year so I guess we'll see.

          I wanna go but I'm really poor. I might not even have the money to go there :'(

            just give the date. I'll see and try early booking tickets but no place to stay in Manila.

              MOA might be good.
              Not sure if I'll be going but let's see if it will be worth going to.

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