Hi I'm Jihi and I decided to share some of my own advice on how to write a cool and unique female lead character.

This post has been inspired by another post from somebody else, who was wondering how to write a female lead character, so I decided to write my own post and give some advice and though I do not say that my advices are good or that they are right, I hope they do good for you 😀
1- This is a Grammer tip: when writing a character especially a girl's character, you should avoid only using the word Female' too much, use her name or use other words like 'girl' 'woman' 'Young woman' 'Lady' and stuff like that.

2- this one is a research tip: personally when I started writing my own stories, I did hell a lot of research about anything and everything that could possibly be important to my story, and I still do research. ( I went as far as researching houses, and interior design)

It doesn't matter what gender you are as writer, there could be a chance that there's things you may not understand about girls, so I suggest that it's necessary to research, you could either do that by searching on the internet since it's the easiest, though I recommend asking girls in real life if possible.

3- I personally believe the key to writing an attractive female lead character in modern literature, is by focusing on writing her as a human or a living person, more than focusing on the fact that she is just a female.

4- when you're choosing a design for your character, whether it's how she looks like or her personality, taking examples from real life is a very good idea, and you got diversity to thank for that, because diversity allows us to have so many types of girls, with so many types of looks and personalities, and they're are all just as lovable as each other (expect pick me girls...with all respect)

you can base your character on a girl you know, or as a Fun idea too! make your girl character a combination of traits taken from a bunch of different girls.

for example let's say you have three female friends in real life that are different from each other, and you want your character to have a bit of everything.

one friend is a goth girl, one is gym girl and the other is nerdy girl.

You can create a character that mixes all of these together.

let's say the goth girl's name is windy, she is the one with the most fun personality and the unique fashion sense to you, she may appear gloomy at first wearing all black, but she loves to to do pranks and tells jokes all the time.

Let's say, The gym girl's name is Roxanne, she is competitive and adventurous, and her athletic sense appeals to you the most, but her confidence and the fact is comfortable in her own skin is what's making her more attractive.

And finally the nerdy girl, Nadia, with her cute glasses on and dark circles from staying up all night reading, her favorite thing to do is to share her knowledge with other people even if they didn't ask for it.

Now let's combine these three girls into one girl: (this is just an example)

Our girl's name is Veronica, nickname Ronnie, she's a goth glasses wearing girl, who works in a Lab where she harasses her coworkers by telling them bad dad jokes all day, or pulling scary pranks on them.

when the work is done, Veronica goes to hit the gym, she's been going for 3 years and most of the gym bro are her gym bros and she's Their homie, but even now and then, a wild toxic gym bro appears who tries to mock Ronnie because her arms are getting bigger, and he starts calling her 'Manly' as if it's an insult, so instead of letting him get under her skin, she challenged him to see who can lift more and she wins.

Once done she goes back home and prepare some food for herself, and to relax and rest, she decides it's time to watch her favorite show on Net-flix, so she grabs her food and protein shake and sit watching for hours.

but Ronnie has a weird habit, whenever she's watching the show, if there's anything she doesn't understand she would pause it and search everything there is to know about it on the internet, sacrificing her beauty sleep time to do so, so the next day she can tell her coworkers and gym bodies, all about the new things she learned while internet searching.
(what do you think about our Goth athletic girl with the bad sense of humor who likes to watch Netflix and abuse google?)

5- if you're looking to write a female character that is mostly relatable, then give her a real life problems, and even her own toxic traits.

For an example give her a subject or word that triggers her anger every time, or give her a bad habit that she's trying to get rid of badly like smoking, or like the most of us give her a person or an enemy that is hellbound to make her life difficult and our girl character would be also held bound to return the favor of that shitty treatment to her enemy, because why does she have to be the better person? She can be petty too.

  • so far these are all the advice that I can give personally, if you have any other advice to share you can share them down here, and I hope you like this post.

Have a nice day.

It's best if we get similar advice for male characters, too. Cause even though we are evolving in terms of female characters. We still got problems with male characters like
"He was so angry he punched the wall." 1) Anger issues
"After seeing her he had to physically restain himself from touching her." 2) He is a sec offender
"He arms kept bleeding but he walked through the dark forest." 3) Give him a break he is a human.
4) Emotions
When we write lacking female characters we are just highlighting the problems with our male characters, too. (I am guilty of it, too. shrugs)
Would love too see a post on this topic, too. (gets pen and paper)

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