onedaysomedayy Yeah! I wish I get more comments, it really helps knowing whether people are enjoying my story or not.

    QW_JiHi QW_JiHi Yeah. I think every author goes through it. I remember writing a chapter and thinking that readers would get bored by it. But to my surprise, the chapter got many views.

    It’s all about our mindset. We might think our work is bad but to others, it is perfect.

      I feel completely embarrassed because life got in the way, I do feel like some of chapters are shitty

        Sapphire_Ace and writer blocks! I always question the chapters I write after writer blocks, and I start to feel like I just wrote anything just to have a chapter out there.

          QW_JiHi I also read other people's stories sometimes and feel bored but then I just read one where the words were well woven together and I really thought I don't compare 😭
          Writer's block is just your brain telling you to experience more, research more about your story 😜

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