redlady Same, oh my gosh! It’s so hard to keep one book sometimes, my mind refuses to let me only have ideas for one book at a time, I literally have 4 unreleased books in my Inkstone secretly pending as side stories since I suck— (I mean like ROYALLY terrible) at “monotasking” — I love this community, nobody else gets it!!
Authors/writers, Writing daily
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SalomeTadala Hahaha ! Totally get it .I am your twin .
I think you should just release the books. If you keep them there , you will never feel like they are good enough to be published. I myself overthink to much if I keep books unpublished and I tend to change the chapter many times.I guess as long as you feel that the chapter is OK not necessary perfect , you should publish it . I mean you will never have a perfect book while you multitask..... I know that to well , since is so boring to revise and stuff.
Just write and publish ! Don't wait to get better.You will get better as you publish.Many reviews helped me find what I was missing or what I did good.Reviews are a good way of seeing where you have to improve as they also are a strong motivator .
I will check your books ! Keep up , darling ! I will support you !
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I am a bit unsure of how many chapters the book will have but I guess that as long as the story is stable , the length of the book is something I should not be too concern about .What do you guys say about this ? Is it necessary to know how many chapters the book will have ?
I mean I can't plan 100 chapters ahead...although I think the book will be kind of long based on how slow paced the story line is .
Sorahana I recently bought a book about the snow flake method that incorporates both types of writing, outlining and basically pure organic free writing
redlady it's necessary to know possibly how long your book is going to be but if you're one hundred percent just being organic about it probably not. I'm just trying to plot mine out, even if there's more than one book within my book. It could also help to know word count for each chapter, to keep it consistent.
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Sapphire_Ace Actually I am counting the words per chapter.But I felt that knowing for sure how many chapters is to much to handle.Do you think is ok to have around 1500-2000 words a chapter ?How many words has your chapter ?
I hope I don't pester you.I just enjoy writing to you !
redlady It’s so fun to do this omg, but yeah I think a lot of words per chapter is a good goal!
redlady considering this is a web novel we should strive for shorter chapters but it absolutely depends on the type of story you are writing. I honestly think 1500-2000 is a good amount of words. I've done less regrettably.
Sapphire_Ace before I begin writing a chapter I scramble down what I need to include in that chapter. So it goes like this: dialogue, narration about facility, certain interactions, writing down lines that I want used, and just ideas that can be implemented.
Keep in mind this is the day before I write the next chap so right after I’m finished writing one. And then I’ll try visualizing these things. The thing about writing is to immerse your readers into the story vividly and if you can’t visualize it something is missing.
This is my process for making new chapters and it takes around two hours or so to make the chapter. More if I’m being repeatedly distracted. And when I’m in the zone like fully focused, ideas streaming in my mind and I know I want this then maybe just 45- 1 1/2 hours.
Eros_Lord thank you for your input. I'm trying to find a midway between outlining and making the chapter happen organically so I have fun writing instead of being miserable through the drudgery.
Sapphire_Ace I love the way you talk it comes across so ”Englishman the 1800s” also your books are peakkk (they’re good)
Even though I've only started writing recently, I've been doing on a regular basis as well
I write about 1.5k words daily
You guys trying youre best to have as many words in your chapter at once while me having less than 1000 words are unnecessary.Guess I need to increase my words per chapter
PhoenixXPen i used to write less but I heard people get annoyed if it's too little
Bloom07 well you probably don't have the same difficult life circumstances as me but good for you?
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QW_JiHi I am sold ! Thank you for the stones ! Actually I hope you will like my new book , is in the WPC contest .You will probably like it because is enemies to lovers .
I will return the stones ... i have just one stone per day ..... i will try to support you too !
Love you ! You always make me smile !