Review swap
Typical1 Ok, deal. Here is mine, please.
Semangat123_5546 would you like a swap too?
superAyan Sure. Here is mine, thanks.
- Edited
Semangat123_5546 On it! About to read it. (6-29)
Typical1 I will give my review today but you can starts review mine by tomorrow since I'll upload the chapter 5 on that day. I'll give my link once I've uploaded it.
superAyan I am done yours and I add your book to my library.
Typical1 I will read yours now
Typical1 I'm wondering if you're seeking an honest review with accurate star ratings or if you prefer reviews that are honest but still receive five stars. Additionally, I'm curious about your approach. Do you provide honest reviews with genuine star ratings or do you tend to give everything five stars?
Typical1 I have done yours and add it to my library. I will slowly reading it.
Typical1 alright, here's my book link...I'll review yours
DragonKnov Honestly, I want exactly that, honest review and honest stars. But I think people might think its rude so, I am ready to go give them 5 stars.
If you want honest and accurate review and star, we can do that. It would mean a lot.
Rin_Nurnia Ok, Thank you for the review!
Let's review swap! Prompt and 5 star reviews will be given
Abluegiant On it!
Typical1 as promised, here's my link's-chaperone_25867414705191005
Typical1 No, I'm not interested in swap review because most of my reviews contain spoilers. However, I found your story interesting, particularly the concept. Keep up the good work!
Semangat123_5546 Hey!
This is my novel Masquerade X Demolition, enjoy!
DragonKnov Thank you
SalomeTadala sure, but I will read later on. I am gonna add your story to my library first.
Number1reality @Abluegiant Are you guys up for a review swap? I'll promptly provide a five-star review in return. after you
Rin_Nurnia I can also do yours
DragonKnov we can also do a swap review too. My novel is Phoenix's Flame. Link is coming right up.
Annisax done, will be waiting for yours.
Rin_Nurnia I just did it now