Sercled increase income? You dream.
There is thousand of author, but most couldn't do it professionally.
It is hard. Not to discouraged, but to give reality. Most authors here only want to share their stories.
Rather than aim for English speaker. I don't know where, but try find Spanish speaking reader/sites. Spanish is one of the largest language in the world. There will be readers.
Add Patreon. That is they way for some people made money.
However you could not just publish and wait for the money. You need to continue writing.
If your novel good. Pay some translator to professionally translate it for you. Use Patreon again.
Perhaps you could share your spanish version here. At the worst, you only got a few readers. Ask for Patreon to pay for translation. Translate it, and post it the English version.
Personally I could only read a bit Spanish, so count me out as a reader.