Sdrawkcab I do have such plans. His son will show up eventually, but whether as an enemy or an ally is up for debate.
As for the tower it's currently still bonding with the spirit crystal, so another three or four days in the novel, and it should be done.
I have no plans of having anybody other than him control the tower, at least for the moment. For the girls to have access, would be to convenient and easy.

That was a good flash back well done. Now I'm ready for the next flash back where he is betrayed by his wife.

    TheNill slow down, Nil. I don't want to rush, and who ever said he was betrayed. Look underneath the underneath

      Anone not like a real betrayal in honesty but from his prospective and with his memories gone I'm sure he would feel that she betrayed him at least without her side of the story I personally would feel betrayed.

        You are also right I get ahead of the game this is one of my top reads so I'm eager for more. Sorry I'm impatient my wife tells me to slow down all the time.

          TheNill I feel sorry for you brother. I don't have a wife, I'm just 20,but my sister's and my mom tell me the same thing. It's usually always ends up embarrassing me.

            Anone it's life. Work work work is mostly what I do so I'm always in a hurry. Family is a good thing though make sure you try and enjoy your time with them.

              TheNill I know, ever since my dad died, my sisters and mom, were all I could think about. Family makes us stronger.

              I look forward to him growing his base of people around the tower. Take your time to grow the story before publishing it so you don't write into a corner. Having said that, I look forward to reading more. 😊

                Sdrawkcab thats a good idea, as soon as I reach a hundred views, I will do just that. I will take some time off to write, before publishing it again.

                14 days later

                "Monster Evolution" could work instead of create monster. You asked about wanting help with names for monster skills, what exactly are you looking for?

                  Sdrawkcab well I wanted the create monster skill name to be a little more sophisticated or official. Evolve monster is just a sub routine under the create monster skill.
                  As for monster skill names, I'm not to worried yet, since the monsters will only have skills once they've been evolved to advanced grade

                    Anone Instead of create you could use any of the following: construct, generate, spawn, fabricate. Let me know if this helps?

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