SinfuLeeCerebral Wow. I never realised how much potential for growth and a fuck up this novel has should things go sideways with my writing. As for the sealing of the vampires,I did not want to make it to complicated, choosing to build on what I have already put in place. There was a war. But this time the instigator of the war are the same people who lost it. Vampires could be considered apex existences, with their superior speed,strength, senses and a talent for the dark side of the magical arts,they are bound to be prideful, overconfident and headstrong. But just like humanity, they will want more,need more. they fought with the intention to subjugate sherath, effectively being the first empire to come into existence. Then they made enemies of the other races of the first sun in the process.
As for their bloodlines I really think mutations are a good way to they would have their base bloodline that's been mutated,not just because of the seal,but also because of the mineral mountain and the enchantments on it. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it.
I'm taking a three day break from Friday through Sunday.I well start posting chapters again on Monday, but not as much since I also have to update my other novel. thanks once again,and God bless you.