There was 2 ads per day to unlock chapters. But after I paid for some coins this function was disappeared and I just see the payment window. How can I reverse to watch ads again?
After payment can't watch ads to unlock chapters
Won’t happen. WebNovel usually stealthy makes changes with out advertising things. The company is a business and is out to make money. Fast passes don’t make them money, sure the ads give them viewing commissions, however they take away FPs and make you buy coins means more money. Just take it as your being once more screwed over.
Once you make any purchase, that option will be gone. Only for the accounts without any purchase history will have this function. But I am sure there will remove it
No wonder I never had that option, I was one of the first 1000 people to go premium back when it was still spirit stones instead of fast passes and coins. I spent money I shouldn’t have I guess lol
No. It was introduced like few months back only
I never paid for anything on webnovel and right out of the blue last month I can never watch anymore ads. So your one theory is out the window
If I knew that I'd never have bought chapters, and I never will again.
Thanks for the info.
baboozeled. scammed. tricked. I shall never forgive them. Thank you for information. will promptly make a new account.